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Everything posted by feneur

  1. As I tried to explain in the thread: We would have to start from the beginning, creating everything again. So it would not be easier, and definitely not quicker. Also, most computers should support 3D. Your current computer maybe doesn't run the game well, but in a couple of years when the game is finished you might have another. Either way this project is too far developed to change now.

  2. No and yes =) We're not going to have ages, but rather "phases". Symbolising the growth of a city/colony from a Village, through Town to City. Each new phase will allow new buildings to be built and technologies to be researched (and with the new buildings new units). As it is now the different phases will not be visually different (i.e. a Civic Centre will look the same in both Village, Town and City phase).
  3. Well, we'd have to create a completely new game, new content, a new game engine, for that to happen, so it's not going to happen. Most modern computers should be able to run the game though, especially if you remember that it's not finished yet so fewer people will have old enough computers not to be able to run the game. It's still sad if not everyone can run the game of course, but while we intend to try and make the game run on as many computers as possible there will be a limit. A graphics card with 3D support is definitely required, and unless we'd start a new project that would not be possible to change.
  4. Thanks for the tip on how it might be fixed. We'll see whether our web dev guy thinks it's easy enough to be worth spending any time on or whether it's better to spend time on our new website instead, but thanks for the idea nonetheless.
  5. Cool. I'm going to move this topic into the modding sub-forum though
  6. Just built the game today and got the below error when running the game: Function call failed: return value was -100101 (Case 1) Location: smbios.cpp:54 (SMBIOS::GetTable) Call stack: SMBIOS::GetTable (smbios.cpp:54) table = (unavailable) tableIds = (error -100500 while analyzing vector<size_t >) SMBIOS::InitStructures (smbios.cpp:392) table = (error -100500 while analyzing vector<unsigned char >) strings = (error -100500 while analyzing vector<char const * >) next = 0x00000000 ModuleInit (module_init.cpp:47) initState = 0x0063CF04 -> 100004 (0x000186A4) init = 0x00446610 -> (SMBIOS::InitStructures) SMBIOS::GetStructures (smbios.cpp:665) initState = 100004 (0x000186A4) os_cpu_MemorySize (os_cpu.cpp:73) memorySize = 3327 (0x00000CFF) RunHardwareDetection (hwdetect.cpp:223) err = 1075221626 (0x4016947A) caps3 = 25624576 (0x01870000) un = sysname = "ƒERIK-11D29BC4D4" nodename = "29BC4D4" release = "‰5.1.2600" version = [16] { 0, 1, 0, 0, 11, 1, 8, 83 ('S'), 73 ('I'), 65 ('A'), 45 ('-'), 51 ('3'), 50 ('2'), 0, 0, 249 } machine = [9] { 18, 0, 13, 163, 97 ('a'), 98 ('b'), 112 ('p'), 203, 99 ('c') } file = m_Buffer = px = 0x000016A4 pn = pi_ = 0x00000000 m_BufferSize = 3779571220 (0xE147AE14) code = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) LINE_126_ = m_t0 = 1.23038e-303 (0x010B0000005F46B4) m_description = 0x7C90E920 -> [8] { 35669, 33772, 2284, 22099, 21847, 35836, 3165, 17803 } caps0 = 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) settings = m_Val = px = 0x0000000A pn = pi_ = 0x0012F778 -> use_count_ = 2089877600 (0x7C910060) weak_count_ = 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) caps2 = 2089877600 (0x7C910060) caps1 = 17557312 (0x010BE740) InitGraphics (gamesetup.cpp:866) args = 0x00000002 flags = 4260 (0x000010A4) setup_vmode = false buf = "ﵴ" setup_gui = (bool)0x88 e = (error -100406 while analyzing exception) m_msg = 0x0012FCE0 -> [8] { 184, 254, 18, 0, 11, 238, 90 ('Z'), 0 } RunGameOrAtlas (main.cpp:491) argc = 1 (0x00000001) argv = 0x010B5AD8 -> 0x010B5AE8 -> "H:\0ad\binaries\system\pyrogenesis.exe" args = m_Args = (error -100500 while analyzing vector<pair<CStr8,CStr8> >) m_Arg0 = { (error -100500 while analyzing string >) } paths = m_root = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) m_rdata = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) m_data = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) m_config = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) m_cache = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) m_logs = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) replay = m_Stream = 0x00000000 mod = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) zip = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) paths = m_root = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) m_rdata = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) m_data = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) m_config = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) m_cache = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) m_logs = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) builder = m_VFS = px = 0x7C90E920 (see above) pn = pi_ = 0x7C9101E0 -> use_count_ = 0 (0x00000000) weak_count_ = 2090061965 (0x7C93D08D) m_Files = (error -100500 while analyzing vector<Path >) m_TempDir = path = (error -100500 while analyzing basic_string<wchar_t,char_traits<wchar_t> >) main (main.cpp:512) argc = 1 (0x00000001) argv = 0x010B5AD8 (see above) wmain (wseh.cpp:373) argc = 1 (0x00000001) argv = 0x010B5950 -> 0x010B5958 -> "H:\0ad\binaries\system\pyrogenesis.exe" utf8_argv = (error -100500 while analyzing vector<char * >) ret = 6557736 (0x00641028) utf8 = (error -100500 while analyzing string >) __tmainCRTStartup (crtexe.c:583) nested = 0 (0x00000000) CallStartupWithinTryBlock (wseh.cpp:386) ret = 1489232791 (0x58C3E397) RegisterWaitForInputIdle (:0) errno = 0 (?) OS error = 0 (no error code was set) After I pressed Continue the game started, curiously in windowed mode, but that could be something on my end for all I know Attached is the system_info.txt though I don't know how relevant it is if the SMBIOS thing didn't work :-/ system_info.txt
  7. Most buildings don't do stuff because other things like healing or technologies aren't implemented, so it's not as much that the buildings themselves doesn't work. In either case, there will be buildings that doesn't have any functionality at the moment, and I'd say all buildings will become more useful as the game is developed .
  8. It seems like you're thinking in AoK terms 0 A.D. doesn't have a blacksmith, most military techs should go in the barracks, though possibly some might be researched in the fortress or a special building. Keep the suggestions coming though, we'll see what we'll use in the end, but it's always nice to have alternatives/inspiration
  9. Sorry for expressing myself in a way that was a bit misleading. I didn't mean that the look hadn't changed at all, simply that regardless of whether it's a shader or something else light interacts with the 3d objects etc. It may look different, it may be done in a slightly different way, but it's still light interacting with in-game objects. I wasn't too serious and meant it more as a reaction to how Paul phrased it, but that's hard to get across in a forum post =) As for what a shader is I believe it can be described as "a way to define how light interacts with the 3D objects", which probably was what Paul meant in the first place I was just being silly. Sorry.
  10. That's how I've always have imagined it, I might have misunderstood how it was intended though
  11. Well, wasn't that what it did before as well? After all there were light then as well and it interacted with the objects It's just the behind-the-scenes system that's changed as far as I understand it.
  12. Hmm, I might be missing something/information might be outdated, but the idea is for soldiers to gain experience when fighting. Could you please post a link to where it says otherwise so it can be fixed?
  13. So many cool things (Too bad I don't have time to play with it today, I will make sure to make time tomorrow though =) ) Thorfinn: I'm sure there will be one if not many screenshots, it's probably better to wait until we have some more experience with the particle system so we can make sure the image is as good as possible A quick image for a news post or for Moddb would be good already though imho
  14. Cool I'm sure you could easily get the number of tris down if you built it anew, but nice to see in either case
  15. Breaking waves against the shore would be nice to have, probably can wait though as I imagine it will take quite some work. I think there might be some sprites for it already though from Michael's static experiments some years ago. I think footprints have been mentioned as well as something that could/should be done with particles.
  16. Some nice ones My favorite was the one with all the acronyms...
  17. It's in the slightly wrong forum, but don't worry, I've moved it As for the errors I don't know how much help I can be, hopefully someone else will be able to help you soon. Just reading the first error it seems like you either doesn't have FAM installed or it's something wrong with the installation. Could be a false positive though, so hopefully someone else with more knowledge of the code will be able to shed more light on it soon.
  18. Yeah, there is the actor variations system that isn't yet implemented for the current simulation system (or at least not fully, it seems to work to some degree as the different models/textures are displayed and not just one, it's the "remembering which variation is used for this actor/entity" that obviously isn't implemented yet).
  19. See Michael's reply for what might be the likely cause in this case. To change buildings/units to a different player quicker (it's not exactly all that quick when you have hundreds of units) you can use the 1-8 + 0 keys (i.e. every number key but the number nine, and the normal number keys above the letters not the numerical keyboard) to change the player to the corresponding number. Gaia is 0. To do it quicker, and if you want to change all units a player own you should be able to open the map XML file in a text editor and do a search and replace to replace for example "<Player>1</Player>" with "<Player>2</Player>". (Gaia is <Player>0</Player>)
  20. Just realized bigger objects (objects consisting of many individual actors) make the silhouette appear on themselves: Now that could be desired behaviour, but imho it isn't. It's a bit confusing, and can be ugly as well.
  21. Just played around a bit with the random maps, the system seems to work great as far as I can see, well done (And I who thought the next release might be a "bug fix and small features release" this is going to be one of the best so far, with Iberians, Random maps, decals, unit silhouettes, and we're still not all that close to release ) When it comes to the actual random map scripts I found a few things which can be improved though: All maps are square rather than round. Most maps could probably do with a little more resources. Cantabrian Highlands: I didn't find any metal on the map. There were settlements on the map, they will of course be useful later once territories are implemented, but at the moment... (Should just be to comment out that part of the RMS for now) Latium: I might be wrong, but I imagine there aren't all that many palm trees in Italy. NE Badlands: No metal here either as far as I could see. In other words, the RMSs themselves are still in need of fixes, but the system works fine as far as I can tell. It holds a lot of promise, so keep up the good work, and thanks for getting it working (+integrated with the game)
  22. They are in: binaries\data\mods\public\simulation\ai (if you're running a release though the files will be in a public.zip file in the mods/public directory, so in that case you'll have to extract that file to that directory, most ZIP/Unzip programs should have an option to e.g. "Extract here" which should get all the content in the right place. I'll leave it to one of the programmers to say what's best in terms of whether or not to keep the zip file, and whether it's better to just extract the needed directory or to extract it all, but there should be no harm in doing that, and I think the extracted files should have priority over the ones in the zip file, so there should be no problem leaving it after you've extracted the contents.). EDIT: Oh, you've found them I'll let the above remain though in case someone else doesn't know where to find them
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