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Posts posted by Dakara

  1. 4 hours ago, JC (naval supremacist) said:

    @Dakara , "Team France' ,  c'est  nulle.  " l'Equipe de France " ça aurait eu plus de gueule.


    To join de conversation about 'dance', i think it's retarded to ban it as it's impossible to define/quantify a sequence of move on time as a dance or a regular move. What's the limit ?  

    Make unit move less than 1 meter so it moonwalk ? How many clicks per sec is allowed before it's considered as dance?  Simply formation dance should be allowed?  A dance while escaping is ok but then how does it comes it's different when you do it with the hero to lure the ennemies ?   Only hero dance should be banned ?  Then what about those cavalery champs , they move even faster than hero cavalery.    Put Hero on defensive mode is ok ? Ok, then why bring him in front of the battle each time ?

    Also, how can you realisticly face a group of slingers doing the usual Rauls slinger trick : shoot, retreat in formation, shoot, retreat .. formation dance when too close.. etc ..  on the distance of a map ?   You are supposed to get shoot and let all your units bump in each other waiting to get killed 1 by 1 ?  Make also formation ?  then when the skirmishers hit back those behind the formation are too distant to shoot. So you need to get closer, but the skirmishers need 1,25 secs to shoot and the slingers are already on their way to escape in formation dance .. etc ...       just to say that if you want to ban a move like dance you should ban also every trick that exploit the game flaws..

    And, after all, dancing requires to stop doing everything else : eco, making new units, building

    Both opponents can dance

    Also, i noticed that those who hate dance are those who like to group 200 slingers together, put Healer Hero in middle to erase the damage of ennemy towers , so they can go outside for a walk or watch some videos on youtube as the slingers just lead them to victory on sandbox mode


    Salut jc on a pas choisi de nom lol

  2. 1 minute ago, Nescio said:

    reduce dammage is not good choose no? Because a player build 8 rams deserve destroy building (8*3 population = -24 mens for fight) 

    sometime 2 rams is not enought for kill castle so with less dammage it really bad.... i go slingers lol


    just ram can't click on unit and it ok  ? we can talk about cata can kill a lot of unit easy ? and the ALT option..?



    The rams are balance but for me they should not attack units (no logic and 1 ram can kill a lot of archers) and maybe move less fast 

    and please add a little possibility to attack building before age 3, look like 2 men with a big tree, with little dammage to building, not a lot of dammage but they are killable by ranged unit, formed at barack at AGE 2 (100 food 100 wood 100 metal) maybe for 2 or 3 civ or all ?

    What you think about it ?



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  4. Pourquoi ne pas rendre impossible la danse? De façon à ce que ce débat soit clos

    100% de précision aux unités les plus répandus, si les unités à distance deviennent trop fortes réduisent leur vitesse d'attaque ou de dégâts, et cavalier vs distance 25% de chance d'esquiver le projectile 

    simple idée, script facile, jeu sain


  5. as my opinion

    May Gods - fpre (8.75), MarcAurel (7), Lord_Commander (6), randomid (7.5)

    French -  Dakara (7.5), esu(4,5), Metafondations(7.25), Dakeyras (7)

    eae em -   Badosu(8,25), Stockfish(8.75), Borg(9.25) , Vicentesk(only see 1 game) 

    Goats -  ValihrAnt(10), Phyzic(9.), Issh(7), Edwarf(8.5) 

    Los Gringos - chrstgtr(8.5), Rauls(8.5), SaidRdz(7.5), Ricsand(7.5) 

    No name Yet -  Boudica(9), UnknownPlayer(8),  Havran(8), go2die(6.5)



  6. this fix bug a lot for me


    my game have a lot of strange bug of interface and lag 


    for example no see army ally and building on minimap

    no see ressource of ally

    very slow game and then very fast game


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