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Posts posted by Dakara

  1. On 27/05/2018 at 00:24, aeonios said:

    Ils ne sont pas assez bons. Je suis allé jouer mon premier match évalué aujourd'hui, m'attendant à jouer contre un adversaire plus ou moins même qualifié, et j'ai plutôt obtenu un jeu qui était complètement truqué en sa faveur. Il a mis les ressources de départ à très bas dans la steppe butana, puis m'a précipité à plusieurs reprises (ce que j'ai en fait combattu sans trop de problèmes) après que ma construction a été gâchée par le manque total de ressources de départ attendues. À chaque étape du jeu, j'étais en retard dans la population ou dans les ressources, ou les deux, et même si à la fin du jeu, je réussissais à le dépasser régulièrement dans la population, ma famine de ressources était évidente car je ne pouvais pas combattre son béliers et attaques répétées et également incapable de réapprovisionner ma pop efficacement. Il avait des améliorations que je ne pouvais pas me permettre, et si ça avait été juste, je '

    Pourquoi ce genre de merde est-il même permis? Les jeux doivent être gagnés sur l'habileté, et non par de sales tours que les gens inventent pour piéger les joueurs sans méfiance dans une situation défavorable sur laquelle ils ne comptaient pas au début du jeu.

    IMO tous les jeux notés doivent être verrouillés avec de faibles ressources de départ et 300 pop. Il y a certainement d'autres problèmes avec les jeux classés, mais celui-ci est facile à résoudre et très, très stupide car il permet non seulement mais encourage peut-être même les joueurs sans scrupules à adopter un comportement antisportif. C'est vraiment énervant, c'est le moins qu'on puisse dire.

    aussi, la rediffusion, juste parce que:

    commands.txt 418,69 kB · 61 téléchargements



    mais pourquoi pas une ré lecture imposé par le jeu au moment de press ready

  2. Hello,

    here we can talk about self vision of the siege !

    1 FIRSTTTTTTTTTT  By default units attack instead of controlling (already done in a mod)

    Some views


    Ballista : slightly increase maximum range and minimum range.

    Catapult : increase minimum range, slower moving, reduce their ability to kill soldiers easily, slightly reduce their cost for compensate nerf

    Tower Siege: Some civ have tech for+20 capacity, slower moving

    For Persians with tech Tower Siege can attack building

    Rams: Only attack structures, seats units and ships, damage +10%

    Ship catapult: Too much snowball??? Expensive but op and very tanky, what are your ideas?

    Ideas of news units ?

    Men with torch : have decent attack on building and can burn tree, very little armor and bad at fight

    Rider torch : Same as men with torch but more fast / have decent attack on building and can burn tree, very little armor and bad at fight  /// For only 2 civilizations

    Why not divide into 2 units Men with mallet ( 2 population-units with 2 mens and a big log with metal- as mercenary Kushite but more damage on building) and big ram (4population-same of actually with more life and damage)


    Why not develop the idea of undermining tunnels?

    In order to collapse a portion of wall, with a big construction time and a very good range (which requires a bit of exploitation from the defender). Then attacker can pass soldiers by little number (garrison system of 5 spot). Said in another way it like a teleporter over medium distance provided that both ends of tunnel remain alive.

    Bridge or pontoon construction, with mens and ship

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  3. Hello all,

    What i would like to see appear on the lobby.

    1) The possibility of changing your password. And link account with email adresse if we want.

    2)Create a profil system

    It like Curriculum vitæ of the player which takes on several aspects (games, social, description)

    With 2 facets ( 1 public and 1 private (only friend players can read the private facet)

    On account public

    Highest rating reached since account creation

    Old league/rated at each end of season (for example season 1 : 1450 season 2 : 1515 season 3 : 1507)

    Number of matches played this season

    Victory rate

    The last thress name’s opponents faced in 1 vs 1 (little historic)

    On the private profile

    Last login date

    Comment: The player can write a few lines on him, a social network, if he is absent, two or three lines on him, whatever he wants.

    The player selects the logos of his favorite civilization

    3) The possibility of private messaging, create 0AD discussion groups? (but beware of cheating with specs etc)

    4)Extend the possibility of marking players as friend but also favorités, undesirable and block

    5) Make the rated system more dynamic

    League system with limited spot, and internal ranking for each league ?

    for example (name to be determinated)

    Non Classé

    Recrue (Fer) (> 1200 and having played 3 games rated)

    Soldat (Bronze)TOP 601 à 1500)

    Mercenaire (Silver) (TOP 251 à 600)

    Vétéran (Or)(TOP 101 à 250)

    Duelliste (Platinium)(TOP 51 à 100)

    Gladiateur (Diamond) (TOP 16 à 50 places)

    Général (Gladiateur) (TOP 6 à 15)

    Empereur(Master) (TOP 2 à 6)

    Dieu (Grand Master) (TOP 1 )

    Only can play against adjacent leagues (or win 0 loose 0), for the TOP 1 he can play vs also Général because Empereur can dodge)

    The league is based on the player's rating.



    Show the league to which one belongs (in the form of a badge in front of the name? Or color on the nickname, which implies a choice of color for each league)

    Inactivity clause? from a veteran, beyond 3 months of inactivity in rated, you lose 1% of your points every month?

    Season : 6 month périods ? then Season 1 season 2 season 3 etc... /// then all players mercenary loose 1 league and all veteran, duelliste, gladiateur, général, empereur, god go to mercenary league with reset of rating with the number of rating of the first mercenary. 

    For example if the first of mercenary league have 1510 rating, all players > mercenary go to 1510 rating at end of season

    • Thanks 1
  4. Hello

    I find that producing his units in the CC is really a quality in this game ... remove it I would find it sad.
    The interest of the barracks lies in the addition of another production line, different types of unlocked units, unlocked techs from the barracks. A building that tank and allows garrison units.

    A call to arms would be interesting (but since the barracks, women would be briefly armed). This would also increase the interest of the barracks early in the game.

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  5. Hello,

    A25 should have new map skimish for more than 6 players (atm we play 99% of game with random maps) 


    And also why not 2 version of map ( 1 with gaia and 1 without gaia, some map are beautiful but we can't do fast game cuz gaia)


    Thank you team

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    • Haha 1
  6. Hello everyone,

    What do you think of the possibility of making 12-player games see 16 players?

    @team 0AD, what are the technological limits? The generation of random cards?


    Of course many will say that the game is not optimized enough for this but I think it can be playable with 100 / 150pop and a good map.

    It would be really cool that we are free to play at 12 or 16... 


    Thank you all !



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