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Everything posted by Aghilas

  1. https://lang.smugmug.com/Toy-Soldier-Collection/i-Bh833CJ
  2. @LordGood he replace only the name "Mycenaeans" with "Archaic Greeks", it's right @Zophim?
  3. @Lion.Kanzen i found a photo of jordanian men "recreating" nabatean military dress: And i didn't use @Apkallu shield because it look more kedarite than nabatean: Hubal was the kedarite principal god, Dhushara was the principal god of nabateans but i don't know what symbol i can use for Dhushara. If you like Apkallu's shield we can use it .
  4. @fatherbushido I don't know what files i should edit(i already edit this "special_war_horses" and still not working)...
  5. Just a edit to look like Total War II icon:
  6. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I really like these ideas, but i am very noob to do most of this ideas at this moment ... I can try with stall building, but i compared stall xml file with the house xml and i don't know how to convert the stall to a house-like building... We can use the mercenary camp to do this. I suggest to use the Qasr Marid as a fortress:
  7. @Lion.Kanzen do you have a shield template?
  8. It's a great idea! Will you do Syracuse/italiote mini civ?
  9. Guys I got a strange bug (look to the top corner): But when i select other civ and select nabateans again, only appears the civ centre:
  10. Just a try with persian placeholder and akkadian/sumerian structure names:
  11. How did you come across 0 A.D.? I was looking for Age of Empires mods and when I see which african civs villagers weren't (and cannot be) blacks , I gave up of AOE and I found 0 A.D. at YouTube. What motivates you to play 0 A.D.? It's free and open-source, RTS games (not only ) in my country are expensive and 0 A.D. gave me a chance to play a funny (and educative) game and to help to the community who plays it too. Is there anything you want from any part of the 0 A.D. community and feel you're not getting? If so, why? A campaign mode. When I can incarnate a hero/king of a civilization and build a empire! Is there any more information you'd like to add? I don't have someone... What is your age, gender, and location? 18, Male, Brazil.
  12. I wrote a profile to this faction with your suggestions: Nabatean Civilization Profile 0.2.pdf And Apkallu where do you found this emblem? And this is Hubal, when i think who Dhushara was the principal god of nabateans, but the emblem is beautiful .
  13. Do you have this image with best resolution? I can't do a good vectorization with this resolution... Divided Kingdom of Judah: Maccabees:
  14. Aghilas

    Civ: Arameans

    Post info and sources here
  15. I just borrowed the carthaginian civ and edit them and put some names from the Design Document (i'm a newbie i know ), because i don't now how to create 3d models to the game, and i had problems with Blender's new version - it doesn't import/export DAE files anymore...
  16. Just create a Germanic faction first, after this create these factions. It's a long term plan.
  17. Italic peoples: Samnites Italiotes Etruscans Magna Germania: Alemanni Batavi Belgae Burgundiones Danoi/Danes(Ancient Danish people) Frisii Franci/Francorum Getae Sueones(Ancient Swedes) Illyrium: Dalmatae Illyrioi/Illyrii Thrāikes/Thraci Dakoi/Daci(Dacians) Greater Libya(North Africa): Líbues/Libyes(Libyans) Garamantes Gaetuli Mauretani Numidae Beth-Naharin: Arameans Assyrians Babylonians Mittani Jordanian Nations: Ammonites Edomites Moabites Ancient Arabia: Nabataea Qidri(Kedarites) Minaeans Arabia Felix: Sabeans Himyarites Qatabanians Hadramites Iranian Peoples: Bactrians Medes Sogdians
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