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Everything posted by sarcoma

  1. Nevermind, I found it https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/discover/unread/ it's an icon now. Sorry. If you can delete this silly post, please do
  2. I can no longer load the latest posts in forum like before.
  3. I think someone suggested adding them as mercenaries for Persia, Gaul or I don't know
  4. Lately I've been spamming spartan 2nd-age demi-champs (short swords) to rush enemy before age 3. Build order: get to age 2 asap with 2 barracks preferably and healthy farming and mass produce this guys to chop wood and mine gold, no need to even phase 3, just a blacksmith to improve attack and armor. As soon as you reach 50 to a 100, send them to destroy people and buildings. Pretty unfair against most. Can be countered by enough slingers or seleucid horse archers.
  5. I have played some defensive players that get around the no walls rule by building layers of houses in front of a perimeter of garrisoned fortresses and towers with horses ready to attack rams. Very distasteful. One strategy against turrets, but not turret spam, is to have archers destroy a turret but not the connecting parts. You need lots of archers and healers behind.
  6. Those icons in the market are for selling 100 of selected resource, and buying x desired resource. The resource traders win is selected from the coins icon, either in the market or the upper panel. Default is 15% W, 15% F, 35% S, 35% M, or something like that. You change that as desired. That is why you see the trader earning x resource on a trip, x other resource in another, according to percentages and distance.
  7. If the trader was trading a resource (food) and you change to 100% metal, for example, you have to wait until the next trip begins to see the chance, I believe.
  8. Hi, Map: Schwarzwald Multiplayer CC started in a small island, very little wood around, isn't this map supposed to be all forest? First case: host suffered this. Already reported to elexis Second case: This happened to me later. Randomly chosen map. Units could walk on water commands1.txt commands2.txt
  9. A bit unrelated but I think it would do wonders for people with low RAM if there is an option where the game freed all memory once you hit the end game stats instead of leaving everything cached once you return to the lobby. I assume it is better for people with enough RAM to keep everything, but with low RAM loading a new game starts swappping and is worse the reloading from disk on clear RAM
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