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Everything posted by fatherbushido

  1. All is reviewed. We follow usual dev policies. We have an <10 review queue though.
  2. That's a bit true. For delays, indeed see: For duplicated work, indeed. Last example I have in mind is nvtt library upgrade which was done here https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP23305 (12-2019) and which was the merge !2 in Fork AD (12-2018). The dates don't matter, it could have been the converse.
  3. I would be nice with the dragon, especially awaken after 15 years (r1621).
  4. @theotherhiveking: it can appears stupid but we have an obvious linear relationship (even on the whole timeframe). The hardest part is to predict the time of release then. (Even harder the name as you did!)
  5. Probably Micket and Enrique had worked on the tiger, I don't know if their work can be used (cf https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1974) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORPFX-NiQ_8
  6. Perhaps am I wrong, but I didn't find any attack animation for lions. Do someone have that?
  7. Thanks that's that part I wanted to be detailed: I didn't understand what you mean by "+11.1% health". And even after reading the answer I am still unable to formulate it properly.
  8. Can you provide the detailed computation?
  9. It's not for me, it's for everybody, not urgent.
  10. I won't do it, I asked if you had it...
  11. Is there a summary of the requests with the according numbers? (It would save the time of going through the whole topic).
  12. I knew someone who made one for Spring RTS or TA (I don't remember) in the first years of that millenium but I don't find it anymore. Something like the hypergate of Aldnoah Zero could do the job too.
  13. I open that thread so we can make a pronostic of the revision number of alpha 0.0.24 suggestions, the winner will win the pleasure to have win. Some hints to help you in your pronostic. I used https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Changelogs#Alpha0.0.x
  14. We will soon enter in the rat year in Chinese calendar. It would be nice to have a rat model. Thanks by advance to the person who can provide that to the communauty.
  15. Hi, does someone has already modeled a stargate compatible with pyrogenesis? I don't know if that's generic enough to not have issue with copyright. But in anycase, thanks by advance to the person who can provide it to the communauty.
  16. Then we will have to figure out who are Caelus, Saturn and Jupiter in that story ;-)
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