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King Tutankhamun

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by King Tutankhamun

  1. The "Match-making" forum was first for getting other gamers together and setting a time and place to play online videogames. It's not however a match-making for couples, but the name kinda implies that.
  2. Good deal. But my camera uses CF cards instead and I have this really nice Lexar Pro series 256 MB one. Speedy.......
  3. Yea, I've read those how stuff works ones from a few years ago and though it was sooooo cool. I heard that they already have made a motorcycle that runs on hydrogen. That's neat.
  4. I was reading National Geographic for the month of May, and came upon something interesting that we could possibly do. The article was on toxins, and one part of it was on how in around AD 199 when the Roman's attacked Hatra the citizens retaliated by throwing large clay pots full of deadly scoprions at the Romans. And also it said that Hannibal did the same but the deadly snakes about 400 years earlier. They then catapulted those pots into the enemy fleet. Now, wouldn't that be cool to have? It was basically a teracota clay pot with burlap across the top and then tied with twine. Several deadly scorpions or snakes would then be put inside of it.
  5. Sorry, can't help you out there. There must be someone here who could read it. Now if it was some spanish from Paso a Paso Dos, then I could help.
  6. I had a demo of Keyhole a while ago and it coud show the chimney in the back of my house. And of course the pool and cars can be seen as well. I tried it through google, and it looks fine for mine but not at all as detailed as the one through keyhole was. Google has a neat idea here.
  7. I don't do any voice communication on the puter. But if I needed to Skype looks like a good program.
  8. I'd like to meet everyone here. I think it'd be lots of fun to have a massive 'gathering' when 0 A.D. is done.
  9. Haha, that's a funny one to play. I had this one program that revs up your harddrive and says deleting windows, but it displays real file names that you have on your computer.
  10. Humm, maybe I'd like to meet Sam, Tim, Jason, Randy and many others too. I don't want to meet Bobby though. Heard he's real crazy.
  11. Is King's Island something like Knott's Berry Farm or 16 Flags?
  12. He came to Southern California in 1998 I believe. Also today in class we talked about the Pope and how someone with no military, police can infulence over a billion people throughout the world in hundreds of countries. Is this true?: that the electing group's food gets worse and worse ever day? Someone said that on the first day of voting they get great food, and then day after day it gets worse. Humm.
  13. I'm November 10, 2003. Hehe, a 2 year anniversary will be fun.
  14. Hello pheasanthunter, welcome to WFG. Do you have any nick names you go by?
  15. I was looking on a fan page fro STALKER game and it said that it might be banned for sale in the US. They really had me going there for a second and was wondering why. Then I found a thread with other people saying the same thing, so it all made sence.
  16. Has anyone fallen for any April Fools jokes yet? Done any good ones on people today? I found some here at PCWorld: http://blogs.pcworld.com/staffblog/archives/000597.html The USB Fundue Cooker is interesting. Nobody has played a joke on me today though today. Too bad we weren't in school then we could fake a seizure.
  17. "haha, oh man I think she sprayed him with pepper spray! She's getting out beating him with an umbrealla" Haha, that's a good one Paul.
  18. Haha, he'll eat it if he dosen't get 50k dollars.
  19. Haha, cool cat. Looks like kinds like my black cat, except your cat is normal size mine is a little on the fat side.
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