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Posts posted by Curufinwe

  1. ;)

    yes indeed ... it is here :


    Yet, it is written "Galadriel" as Leader of the Sindar/Silvan Elves during the Third Age ... Isn't it possible to find another Silvan Elf who could be a leader during the Third Age ? Galadriel is not really what you could call a Silvan Elf ;) ... and even less a Sindarin elf ! On the secod hand, Cirdan is placed as a Noldorin leader, He who was a Telerin elf at first ... Why not changing those 2 ? Galadriel a leader of the Noldor in the Third Age and Cirdan a leader of the Sindar/Silvan in the Third Age ...

    Now, you will tell me ... yes, yes, but Galadfriel lived in Lorien, which was a Silvan (even Sindarin due to Celeborn) kingdom and that's why you included her in Silvan elves :) ... and same kind fo reasons for Cirdan. Yet, I hope you will take my remark into account ;)

  2. ;)

    well, it is not really a painting. It is a sketch which he did for the Silmarillion. Therefore, if you go to his official website (tednasmith.com I think ... ;) ) and go to the Silmarillion section, on the very right end of his pictures, there is a "sketch" section, where I saw this one ... thanks for the compliment by the way :)

  3. B)

    Well, here is what I have done, just for you guys ;) (and a bit for me ... I really enjoyed it)

    It is Cirith Gorgor, upon a design by Ted Nasmith (aaaaahhhhh Ted ...) :)

    Just give me your impressions, and of course your critiques and criticisms ... don't hesitate, it really helps ;)



    Yet, do not forget, that is a first sketch of what it will be ! So, don't be too bad on me :S

    See ya ! ;)

  4. ;)

    okay, maybe not in the Silmarillion ... but because Black Knight asked a question in relation with the Awakening of the Elves, so did I ... :)

    So, not in the Silmarillion but definitely in Tolkien's work ... Good search ;)

    a hint, Aldaron : it is quite obvious ... ;)

  5. :)

    well, well, coincidence would be too weird for that ; and yet, it is possible. Dukes of Rohan have been in France for centuries but I do not know what it means or where it comes from.

    I read something about "Ròs" or something like that meaning "horse" in Anglo-Saxon ... but I do not know if Rohan (the French one) comes from the same origin.

    Maybe somebody could help us here ! ;)

  6. ;)

    it was the first word the Elves uttered when they looked up i the sky and saw the stars of Varda after the Lamps were broken down ... el, elen ... star, stars

    ok, seems right to me :)

    next one ? in relation with the previous question ...

    who was the first Elf to wake up ? ;)

  7. ;)


    apparently, Christopher Lee had a 7 minute monologue which was taken out for the Theatrical cut. That is why Christopher Lee was a bit angry and did not go to the Premiere in Wellington. yet, Peter Jackson certified it will be in the EE and on Sir Ian McKellen's website, he said that the EE might be 4 hours and 50 minutes long ... which I am not sure about ... but 4 hours and 15 minutes would be good ... but the longer the better :)

    There should be the Fight between Gandalf and the Witch-King too ... or the oath taken by Meriadoc in allegiance to Rohan ... etc ;)

    but no Scouring of the Shire unfortunately. ;)

  8. ;)

    on Feanor's side :


    On Fingolfin's side:


    On Finarfin's side:


    Eventually, Finwë had two daughters, of whom not much is known so I don't expect you want the names of her (supposed) sons ... :drug:

    So I guess I answered right :)

    Now, another question:

    What is Finrod's name in Khuzud, and what does it mean ?

  9. ;)

    Atani, and it means "men"

    I am sorry to interrupt here Adam but I highly disagree ... neither Atani nor Edain mean "Men" in Quenya or Sindarin ! ;)

    That is not the answer I expected ... Atani comes from Ata, which means "2" in Quenya ... and Atan means "the second" ... so, Atani clearly means "the seconds" ... that is to say, the second-borns (after the First Borns, the Elves)

    Edain is thus the Sindarin version of Atani, meaning "the Second-borns".

    By extension, that word remained to refer to Men ... and later to faithful men.

    Sorry for this little precision ... :)

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