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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. Bienvenido! Glad to hear you're so enthusiastic about joining the team. Building an RTS as complex as 0AD is no easy task and there's definitely plenty of work to go around. Maybe you should PM Jason or Stu (known on these forums respectively as Wijitmaker and Acumen) and you could look for the areas where you could best contribute.

    I added you to my MSN contact list. I hope I can practice my Spanish with you!

    And BTW, (i haven't found this in the FAQs) what language(s), tools, etc are you people developing 0AD with?

    0AD's engine is written in C++, written/compiled on VC++ 6 and later versions. The scripts are all in Javascript. (Here's hoping none of this was confidential)

  2. Did you know? In July 2003, Tel Aviv's White City was announced unanimously by the UNESCO council as a World Heritage Site, due to its massive assemblage of the Bauhaus International Style buildings, the city's most precious architectural style. Tel Aviv is home to the largest collection of Bauhaus architecture in the world.

    My late grandmother lived in a Bauhaus-style apartment building in Haifa, that was built in the 20's or 30's. We still own the apartment.

  3. why do I understand nothing here?

    In Latin languages, including French, to express age you use the equivalent verb to "to have".

    Instead of saying: "She is six years old" or "She is six", you say, "She has six years."

    In fact, in French and probably most latin languages (hence, probably coming from latin), we must have been saying "I have 19 years (of experience in life)", hence our expression. On the other hand, probably English (this is true about Japanese as well) states that one is old "of some years". Hence, Latin concentrated on what we had of experience... But this is only a theory.

    In Hebrew I'd say "אני בן שבע-עשרה שנים" (Transliterated: ani ben shva`-`esreh shanim), which translates literally as "I am the son of seventeen years" or "I am attributed to seventeen years".

  4. Anyone else agree with me that (american) society is going down the drane?

    Disagree. There's something great about the USA that you just can't find anywhere else; This may be my subjective perception, only having been in the USA on vacation, but there's something refreshing about being free to do practically whatever you want, something beautiful about being able to succeed by yourself relatively unhindered by beaurocracy and taxes.

  5. If Turkey is admitted to the union, it would provide a whole new answer to the question "who is a European", and, I might add, it would set a precedent that IMHO would allow Israel to join if it chose to.

    I don't have a definite opinion on the subject but I am nevertheless intrigued.

  6. I'd like to see a time system based on 10's like the metric system; What's so great about the metric system is that counting with 10's makes the numbers much easier to crunch using a decimal numeral system, and it is intuitive to most cultures in the world because most humans have 10 fingers. (Then again, there are hunter-gatherer cultures that count with two or three bases, e.g. 5 would be rendered something like "two-three", but I guess you can't make everyone happy).

    I don't know whether applying metric time measurements is practical, though. Most likely it would have to be tied to astronomical events to make it easier to track without technological apparati.

  7. But usually, people tend to respect not to smoke in non-smokers area (at least in France ... and in the UK ...).

    I hope you get to travel to more countries, Curufinwe. Not only will you have fun and learn a lot, you'll realize how much the concept of courtesy varies from culture to culture; In Israel a lot of people just don't care about smoking in closed spaces when it really disturbs non-smokers.

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