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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. This thread is right up my alley... I was just about to start a thread about electric guitars. Thanks, Lorian, Klaas and everybody else who participated! I learned a lot.

    I've been wanting to play a musical instrument since my early childhood, but I never really got around to nagging my parents very seriously about it. I've always had a musical talent, but so far it's really only manifested itself by singing at a school choir in 3rd grade and being able to remember entire songs in my head.

    My brother and I were contemplating whether to buy a classical acoustic guitar, an acoustic guitar or an electric guitar. Our main concerns are the learning curve, the sound quality, the kind of music that can be played, the portability and whether the volume can be lowered (so as to minimize the disturbance to other people in the house while practising, namely my mom, who would have a fit).

    - Classical: My brother got a dirt cheap one when he was in college and he said he got sick of it very soon. Nylon strings mean the sound leaves a lot to be desired, and we read an article that recommends classical guitars only for those interested in playing classical music. So that is pretty much out the window, at least for now.

    - Acoustic vs. Electric: A while ago I was actually considering buying a good acoustic guitar. I like the acoustic sound, and there are a few good acoustic songs I'd like to play. The main advantage of an acoustic guitar is that you don't need to use an amplifier for it, so it's more portable and I could take it to social engatherings, the army base I'll serve at or whatever. While the electric guitar is less portable, the main pluses are the (allegedly) lower learning curve and the option to connect headphones to the amplifier. Plus, I pretty much grew up on electric guitar music (U2, Metallica, The Eagles and more)... While Metallica Unplugged is one of my favorite albums, I'd really love to be able to play along with some of my favorite songs.

    But if you just tell me which guitarists you like I could find out which kind of coils they use.

    What does The Edge from U2 use? Joe Walsh from The Eagles (or whoever the lead guitarist in "Hotel California" is)?

  2. I don't feel very comfortable neither with buying games at the store nor with paying for downloads. Personally, the way that works best for me is snatching PC games from old ladies walking down the street.

    And now, on a serious note,

    I'm certain Microsoft wouldn't be cmfortable releasing any of it's code. Most of it's probably stolen code from elsewhere.

    Be careful of what you accuse others. That MS' business practices are questionable and their products aren't very reliable does not make them free game for baseless accusations and demonizations.

  3. In Israel we have a president as a de jure head of state, and this mostly ceremonial job costs a lot too. Fortunately, he is quite non-partisan, he takes a great deal of care not to say anything stupid or provocative like what you quoted, and he tries to mediate between different factions in Israeli society. He does have an opinion - He's in favor of pluralism and democratic consensus.

    (This post was a humble gesture for Israeli President Moshe Katsav. :) )

  4. Concise, yet contains all the relevant information with an analysis that hits the nail on the head.

    I had a problem with some of the Hebrew terminology, but you go above and beyond many history books in bringing the original Hebrew names and terms, and it is quite understandable for a writer who is not a Hebrew scholar.

    A quick overview of the stratification of Jewish society would have been helpful, but this is otherwise an excellent essay. Way to go!

  5. Spanish is not a hard language; I picked it up easily. It's just quite different from what you're familiar with, which would be the Scandinavian languages and English.

    I can't offer specific tips for Spanish that wouldn't apply to any other language. Come with an open-minded approach; Each language has its own unique, beautiful inner logic. Practice as much as you can and read to expand your vocabulary. Spanish has some very irregular verbs that can be a pain in the neck, but I was fortunate enough to have a Spanish teacher to practice them with, so I got over most of those.

    Last but not least, "My mother lives in Norway" would be rendered "Mi madre vive en Noruega".

  6. The accumulative damage from smoking is such an effective deterrent I never intend to start. A few Biology classes were more than enough for me to realize that my body is going to deterriorate due to free radicals anyway, so there's no reason in the world I would give that process an extra shot in the arm by inhaling free radicals on a daily basis.

    Argalius, to stop doing something "cold turkey" means to quit it completely from one point onwards. :cool:

  7. If my input is appreciated, why has nobody from the forum development team given a reply to this thread?

    Would it have been better to post the thread in a more frequented forum where it doesn't belong to get a reply? (Re Sukkit's "tiny things about the forums" thread in the Staff Lounge)

  8. I usually use the "View new posts" button to browse the forums. I'm particularly interested in recent developments in the 0 A.D. forums, with WFG community chit-chat threads and TLA developments lagging far behind. I am not interested at all in reading staff members' progress reports on a regular basis.

    Unfortunately, with the recent incorporation of the progress reports into the forums, I have had to browse through lots of progress reports I don't care to see on the "New posts" list. The problem has worsened now with the forum merger, and I cannot find any forum function that can help me browse the way I was used to.

    It would be really nice if there were some usage profiles at my disposal - Especially "View new 0 A.D. posts" - Or if there was a list of options where I could filter out what I don't want to see on the new posts list (like a "progress reports" box I could uncheck").

    Thanks for your time and attention.

  9. Tuition for universities in Israel is about 8 000 to 12 000 NIS. In USD that's between $1 800 to $2 700.

    Go social-democracy. Pity the regular education systems are deterriorating, so at the current rate, 20 years from now only the upper-middle class will be able to take advantage of these low tuitions.

  10. As I've never used Dreamweaver, I can only tell you things I've heard and read about it... Generally speaking, the latest versions of Dreamweaver are increasingly standards-compliant, but of course, none of them are perfect.

    I think it's much more important you learn the rationale behind standards-compliant design, with some guidelines and examples to get you started. I can reccommend two books to introduce you to the subject: Designing with Web Standards by Jeffrey Zeldman and Web Standards Solutions: The Markup and Style Handbook by Dan Cederholm. Once you know where you're headed, you really don't need anything fancy to code XHTML/CSS. Except parsing, which makes things more colorful and easy to look at. :)

  11. I took the Psychometric exam this Monday. Consider it the Israeli SAT exam. It was also about 3 hours long, composing of 8 segments, each 25 minutes long. I took a psychometric prep course for a few months.

    Different faculties in the universities have different requirements for entry, but they are all averages of the psychometric exam score and the grades you got on your matriculation exams (which is sort of the equivalent of a high school diploma, except that the exams are given by the state).

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