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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. Jeru - that would prove to be a massive mess. That's why God's plan was for the PARENTS to teach their children. That is why I am homeschooled, thank God.

    Swellick -

    Have you ever regularly attended a school after, say, age 12? If not, I would advise to refrain from pointing out which curricula would be a "massive mess" and which wouldn't, especially without backing that up. It does not add credibility to your argument.

    Secondly, I think that if you had attended a school, perhaps you would have been more open-minded than you come off in this thread.

    Thirdly, this comment is not intended to offend: You sound like you are a few years my junior. A few years ago, I would have readily confessed to deeply devout views not unlike yours as well, and (thankfully) I've grown, changed and smartened up since then. Perhaps in several years your views will change to something other than a complete literal adherence to the Bible, and a complete rejection of all "theories of man". :)

  2. For the record, I don't believe in Creationism, and I think it should be taught alongside Evolutionism in schools. (Ideally in the higher grades, after at least a short background in Scientific Method). Let the children decide for themselves what they accept as truth.

    IMHO teaching a scientific theory alongside something taken from an ancient book will do science a lot of good.

  3. I need to talk to you about Hebrew though... we have some questions about word wrapping with text that is written from right to left vs. left to right. ... Oh and if you read the programmers meeting minutes from today that would further familiarize you with the dilemna that Gee presented.

    I read the minutes & the transcript but didn't understand too much. I need a clarification of the question before I can answer. (Oh and Hebrew is written top right to bottom left ;) )

    So if you see me online sometime, please messege me.

    I'd rather have discussion this over the forums or e-mail; I can't promise to be online for extended periods this week.

  4. Still no proof he's going to abuse it. I would rather think about where many funds go in other countries. Nobody raised voices when Mobutu put all Zaïre's money into his own pocket, most nations (like the US and Belgium) rather helped Mobutu (aka the african hitler) in exchange for more economical power and influence in his region.

    AFAIK, Mobutu isn't around anymore - And Arafat is. Of course there are lots of personal and national interests involved in the media hooplah, but that's world politics for you - And it doesn't make the PA's corruption any more moral, or condoning it any less immoral.

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