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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. 11. You are making a game in an age were Jesus were born. Will Jesus (im asking as a believer, not an Antichrist) be included in any way? (Like hero, skin, snc editor, campain...

    An excellent question in itself, if I may say so myself, ZeZar, and something worth thinking about.

    Jason being the head of the team and a devout Christian himself, he should obviously be the authority on this issue.

    With any luck, my campaign will be created and ship with the game, design scheduled to start no earlier than alpha time. It would be about Romans versus a rebellion in Judea, involving a lot of crucifixions, so we'd have to model a crucified person to be historically accurate. Most people would immediately identify these models with Jesus, but it's nevertheless important to remember: Jesus was the most renowned person ever to be crucified, but hardly the only one.

  2. I'm building a website for my school with a friend.

    I don't know if the server that will host this site supports PHP and/or mySQL in the first place, but if it does, how would you recommend to design the DB? When seperating design from content, how would you designate article titles, writers, dates? How would you do it with & without mySQL support?

    We intend to include mostly articles, no fancy complicated things. Something along these lines:


    Thanks in advance!

  3. Two quick remarks:

    1. There is no need to illustrate the complexity of life's processes to me - I am a Biology major, among other majors. Yet this complexity does not prove, in itself, an Intelligent Creator.

    2. Even if an Intelligent Creator is proven, this does not mean anything as to the Judeo-Christian God or the divinity of Jesus.

  4. One wonders what the practical difference between the Reputation and Currency systems is, what the distinction between the respective rationales of the Reputation and Currency systems is, and what warrants having both systems operating simultaneously. ;)

  5. Acumen answered your questions effectively and courteously, as always, but I would like to emphasize a point regarding your comments on the AoM GUI: As one of the 0 A.D GUI developers, I can assure you that we clearly do not plan to "reinvent the wheel" concerning the GUI.

    As our target market includes veteran players of other RTS games along with newcomers to RTS gaming, there will be no overcomplications or alien concepts in the GUI, (especially if you've ever played one of the Age series games or an equivalent).

    Even if we do invent or add something minor, (and at the moment I can't think of anything we have), we intend to explain and demonstrate it so clearly your grandparents will be able to adjust to the change. :)

  6. 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

    26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."


    40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

    41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

    42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

    43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

    This smells far-fetched, I daresay a false accusation by hysterical people who pursue right-wing politics. Give me a break - what kind of practical-minded revolutionist defines his goals with the verbs "present", "discredit", "emphasize"?

  7. Cougar - Let's agree to disagree on these issues.

    And, for the record, IMHO believing in an unprovable supernatural deity will always require more faith, or as I sometimes cynically call it, "kidding oneself", than belief in the laws of logic & probability.

  8. I'm not interested in theological debate either, but:

    I'm not sure what you're basing this on, if God where human then I would agree with you. However, God is not human, He's God. Why wouldn't He be able to accomplish all those things?

    It's not that this is logically impossible. But, consider this:

    The probability of fulfillment of n conditions is the product of the conditions. If you flip a coin, the chance that it will fall on the ground showing "heads" on the top is 1:2. If you toss a dice, the probability that it will fall on the ground showing "6" on the top is 1:6.

    But if you flip a coin AND toss a dice, the probability that the coin will fall "heads" side up AND the dice will fall with the "6" side up, is 1:2 * 1:6, i.e. 1:12.

    The prospect that there is a higher being AND that he created the universe AND that he's still around AND that he's omnipresent AND that he's omniscent and... and... and... is just possibility out of many, and until it can be proven "beyond reasonable doubt", as the guideline of the US Justice system goes, I cannot bring myself to believe in such a rash, irresponsible claim.

    It might interest you to know that the Bible is the most historically accurate document we have today. It has been validated on many occasions by many people (not just Christians). If you are basing this on the belief that God is not omniscient and omnipresent then of course the Bible is going to seem far-fetched.

    There's no doubt that the Bible records some historically accurate events; Obviously, there's plenty of evidence to support that the kingdoms of Saul, David and Solomon existed, that there were two successive temples in Jerusalem, and, to take NT examples, that Judea was occupied by Romans, and that one of the praefectures was called Pontius Pilate. It's the theological parts of the Bible, declaring divine intervention in the course of history and in individuals' lives, that can't be backed up.

    Similarly, I could write a book today saying, "I went to my friend's house and drew him a picture today. A new shopping mall has just opened last week. Dancing purple elephants whizzed along the horizon this morning.", and it would be historically accurate except for the last sentence. If all the books written today were less accurate, then my book would effectively be the most historically accurate document written on October 5th, 2003 - And yet, it would be impossible to verify the part about the dancing purple elephants, since there's no evidence to back it up.

    If I found an equally historically accurate document from the same period(s) dedicated to Baal or Buddha, how would I know the Bible actually got the theology part right?

    This is not true, I know there is a God.  It cannot be proven that He exists but it also cannot be proven that He doesn't exist.  I my case I have seen enough evidence to believe that He does, but either view takes some faith.

    The "luxury" about agnosticsm and atheism is that it doesn't require any faith at all; No shaky foundations to build your life and make your decisions upon. It's pure, fool-proof logic and intellect and it will not fail those who use it, a life of validity and assurance that life is governed by a grand system of constant rules and natural occurences, not a dwelling-place where theoretical, inpercieveable deities are at work, conciously yet inexplicably intervening in the course of our lives.

  9. I believe that one cannot know whether a metaphysical superior being exists, but one has no indication that this being does. The chances that this being would fulfill all the Judeo-Christian descriptions - omniscience, omnipotence, etc. - are especially slim. The chances that the Biblical story is true from A to Z, including the higher power's intervention in human affairs and all, is so astronomically slim it's negligible.

    BTW, it's spelled "Atheist". (fixed -> BeachHead)

  10. Small suggestion:

    printf ("\nInsert a natural number n < 32767 ... ");
    scanf ("%d",&n);
    while ((n+1)<1) {
    printf ("\nI said it has to be NATURAL and < than 32767!!");
    printf ("\nInsert a natural number n < 32767 ... ");
    scanf ("%d",&n);

    Can be replaced with:

    int n=-1;
    do {
    printf ("\nInsert a natural number n < 32767 ... ");
    scanf ("%d",&n); }
    while ((n+1)<1)

    The do-while loop is very useful for input-verification procedures. :)

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