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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. Just because militants killed 2 of the occupying soldiers doesn't give Israel a right to retaliate by firing missiles deliberately onto children! ... Their retaliations is NOT aimed at militants but deliberately at civilians- only 2 of the attacks which resulted in no casualties at all were directed towards militant leaders.

    The incident was not deliberate; Chief of Staff Ya'alon and Defense Minister Mofaz apologized for the incident. (Can't find any English-language sources but their apology was reported in Hebrew-language media)

    jeez, in the end it is only 15 soldiers- after 3 years of war what do they honestly expect? Coffee and some presents?

    Every. Soldier. Counts.

  2. Are the permissions set correctly for the database? To be able to write, you need write permissions for the file and/or your web account.

    This may help you... you may need to open the connection with the argument adLockOptimistic... http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/faq/...nner/faq7.shtml

    I'm sorry, but I don't understand. What code do I need to write, and where do I need to write it, to enable write permissions for the file and the web account?

  3. I am encountering a problem with creating and modifying an Access database using the ADO component of ASP.

    So far, I've got to this:


    I get the following error in my browser when updating the database with UpdateDB.asp:

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e09' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot modify the design of table 'forumGroupEmailNotifications'. It is in a read-only database.


    To solve this error you must enable write permissions the directory where the Access database resides for the IUSER_ Account. Your server administrator is the only one who can do this.

    Source: http://www.aspfastforum.com/aspfastforum/t...bleshooting.asp

    Does anyone have any idea how I implement the solution?

  4. I'm hoping that my best friend's ex-girlfriend isn't interested in me, because if she is, this could be very very emotionally painful for everybody involved.

    I know her as a mature person, and I trust her not to do such a thing. But maybe her feelings will get the better of her.

  5. why can't they just share israel...turn it into a multi religious/cultural nation.

    I don't want to live in a binational state - Neither do most Israelis. Binationalism is IMHO recepie for civil war.

    (BTW, this is not a new idea, it has been proposed since the days of the British Mandate)

  6. I am probably related to the Hebrew poet Szaul Czernikowsky on my maternal grandfather's side.

    On my mother's side, my grandmother was a Holocaust survivor. Her family had owned a factory for beer and soft drinks. She escaped the ghetto with her sister, before she was about to be put on the train to Treblinka. Except for her and her sister, the entire family perished, and so did almost all the Jewish community of the town in Poland she resided in. My grandfather's family had owned a fur business, and my grandfather himself was one of the founders of a Jewish soccer team. During WW2 he was conscripted to the Polish army. When the Red army advanced into Poland, he refused to forfeit his passport, so spent the war in labor camps in Siberia.

    On my father's side, my grandfather was a religious man from Sudetenland, who had enderwent a very difficult childhood. A member of a Zionist youth movement, he immigrated to British Palestine on a false passport. My grandmother was born in Poland but received her education in Berlin and Vienna in art and fashion design, until she immigrated to British Palestine.

  7. Well, in my book (C++ for dummies) it says that to first learn C, is just a waste of time, and that the book explain everything.

    Can you articulate why learning at least a little bit of C before C++ is a "waste of time"?

  8. I like the idea of 0ad, and especially the high work ethic of the people involved in making this game. These aren't people who doodled something in MSPaint, wrote a few lines in Basic and called it a game - It's a group of serious people who decided to collaborate and make the most of their individual talents.

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