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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. cooldude124, 0 A.D. is in pre-alpha phase. That means it's not a playable game for "normal" users yet — far from it. Rather, it's a work in progress still meant for developers only.

    Download and installation instructions can be found here, but they require some technical proficiency.

  2. igoty_2009_250px.png

    Thanks to your loyal support, 0 A.D. has made it to ModDB's Top 100 Indie Games of 2009! This is the second time in a row this has happened, as we made the 8th place in 2008, and it shows that lots of people share our enthusiasm about 0 A.D., which is great news.

    But we don't want to settle for the top 100. We want to win! Or at least reach one of the top 3 places in our category. This is important, because projects that win these awards usually get more contributor applications. That means more developers working to finish the game you can't wait for, which means you get to play the game sooner! So we'd like to ask you to take one more step to contribute to spreading the word about 0 A.D. and vote again.

    Here's how you can help:

    1. Register for an account with ModDB if you don't have one yet. Not only does this benefit us, but grants you access to one of the most active indie development communities on the internet.

    Remember: Your vote doesn't count unless you have an account!

    2. Open this page, scroll down to "Best Upcoming Mods and Indies" and click on "Indie Games":


    Then, next to 0 A.D., click on "Vote":


    We're counting on you guys. Together we can make it happen. Thanks in advance!

  3. Thanks for your enthusiasm, jd823592! We're glad other people are as excited about this project as we are.

    We are currently focused on releasing the "first part", which is essentially the big bulk of the work. The "second part" was planned many years ago and is mostly comprised of extra bells and whistles, like new civs and gameplay features. Personally I'm not sure we'll get around to it, but I think if we finish the first part, many user-contributed mods will cover that.

    0 A.D. is still in pre-alpha stage. We have been making a great deal of progress under the hood over the last few months, but the engine is by no means complete.

  4. Thanks for your heartfelt message, Lysimachus. I realize you are disappointed. In a limited sense, so are we. I can practically guarantee that nobody knew it was going to take this long when the project was started.

    But look at the bright side. Most other projects die by this stage; Instead, we've managed to be a continuously developed project and we're still generating interest in gaming websites and new applicants even though most of the people who led the project at the get-go have either left the team entirely, handed over the keys in favor of lower-level work or are long deceased.

    Also, as you pointed out, it's not fair to compare us to proprietary, commercial projects. Instead, compare us to other free, open source projects. When are those "done"? Well, never. If you think there's a missing feature, or that the code can be applied for something else, there's a new version of that software, and so on, ad infinitum. In that sense, 0 A.D. isn't any less "done" than Linux or OpenOffice. And once it is "done", it can essentially live forever, so with any luck, there will be an active modding and support community and you'll never get any of those stupid general networking errors.

    Last but not least, instead of just complaining, think of how you can help matters. Can you help with any of our openings? Do you know anyone who might be interested in joining the team? Can you reach out to those people? Even putting up a poster at a local university or sending e-mails to local FOSS mailing list could make a world of difference. Help us get the game done and you'll get to play with it sooner.

  5. Thanks for the interest, jocamar. I'll just expand a little bit on feneur's last answer: We've been working on this game for years and have absolutely no clue when this game will be finished. The more developers we have on board, the faster it will be.

  6. I'm as big of a fan of a good story as the next guy, but I reiterate, the central consideration behind the tutorial campaign will be learning. Everything else is secondary. Of course everyone will be welcome to make their own campaigns - just as the AoE editor has been used for creating many visual effects, puzzle games etc.

    Also - re: "we can't expect the programmers to be able to do all of this" - programmers won't be insomuch the bottleneck for implementing this scenario or that campaign, as they deal with more important, overarching features of the game in general.

  7. Going open source, did it help you guys to shorten the time?

    I think so. We've had some new contributors to the project, and even one bug fix here and there brings us closer to a finished game. None of these "lite" contributors could ever have got a look at the code, much less suggest how to improve it, when it was closed source.

    Make sure when you release it that the graphics are not "outdated", for example: a game like AOE2 is ten years old and still looks gorgeous, due to the excellent use of colour and models. ( and yeah, it's 2D)

    You get my point?

    I think 0 A.D.'s graphics speak for themselves. I'm not exactly an expert on PC games, but for an indie project I'm guessing 0 A.D.'s graphics are relatively off the charts and probably will be for a while.

  8. Glad you had a nice road trip, ZeZar.

    I felt that the laws are wierd. All signs have letters. Not symbols. Thats wierd.

    The only reason Europeans have symbols on their signs is because they want them to be readable even for foreigners. In Israel, signs are trilingual (Hebrew-Arabic-English) but translating each sign to the 15+ official languages of the EU is impractical.

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