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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. It's sort of interesting that you'll lump different Arab nations together, the Scandinavians and the Balkan peoples, who are very different and sometimes hate eachother, but yet you separate Nazi Germany, Germany in other historical eras and Austria into different civs. :P

    I think you can do with fewer civs, fewer eras and simpler gameplay ;)

  2. Great pictures, Genava55, thank you for sharing that with us. Personally almost everything I knew about the Gauls until I saw your post was from Asterix :D

    I really liked the comic strip, I don't understand a lot of French but I liked lines like "Encore un effort!". :)

  3. Merci beaucoup for your support Stligar, we're glad to have friends in France. However, it will be quite some time until we translate the game into languages other than English. This game needs to be finished before it can be translated or modded...

    Until then you could help by letting French game developers know we're looking for volunteers!

  4. Hehe I'm one of only three who chose "Carthaginians" - They were from Phoenicia, which is around modern-day Lebanon, and spoke a Semitic language much like ancient Hebrew. They were one of many civilizations in the ancient fertile crescent that had a lot in common with what we call today the Jewish people. The Bible describes a lot of trade, intermarriage and religious influence coming from who we call the Phoenicians.

    So I'd like to think I'm related to them, though practically everyone with any Mediterranean heritage probably has at least some Roman, Hellenic and Persian blood too.

  5. I really apologize for driving you crazy but in the paragraph under <h1 id="comparisons"> I had a small typo.

    The paragraph should be:

    אנו מכירים מספר משחקים נוספים מסוג אסטרטגיה בזמן-אמת (RTS) שמפותחים בקוד פתוח. המשחק <a href="http://glest.org/">גלסט (Glest)</a>, לדוגמה, הגיע לגרסה יציבה ומבוסס על עולם פנטזיה עם זיקה לימי הביניים. חוקי המשחק והגרפיקה בו מורכבים פחות מב-<bdo dir="ltr">0 A.D.</bdo> אך הוא כבר מכיל יריבים בעלי אינטליגנציה מלאכותית (AI), מה שחסר עדיין ל-<bdo dir="ltr">0 A.D.</bdo>. כמו-כן, <a href="http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~mburo/orts/">ORTS</a> היא מערכת המדגישה יותר את המחקר באינטליגנציה מלאכותית מאשר משחק מחשב שאפשר ליהנות ממנו. <a href="http://spring.clan-sy.com/">ספרינג (Spring)</a> הוא מנוע RTS שנראה שנבנה לסוגי משחקים בסגנון של Total Annihilation. מנגד, <bdo dir="ltr">0 A.D.</bdo> שואף לבדל עצמו באמצעות חוקי משחק חדשים, גרפיקה מפורטת ורקע היסטורי אותנטי.

    Also, I've been running into a strange bug - Some parts of the pictures are clickable (the browser recognizes the pic is a link and the cursor changes into the hand symbol), while other parts of the same picture aren't - cursor remains the arrow, and clicking the picture highlights a paragraph. Something went awry with the floating. This problem persists in all the language versions. Possibly rectifiable with the CSS z-index property.

    Also: none of the bullets' <li> tags were closed properly (</li>) except in the Hebrew version (coulda sworn I fixed it), I forgot to tell you the syntax was iffy.

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