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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. Yay! *Dances*

    Rob: Yes, it is super-hard, but everyone keeps pointing it out all the time. Might as well preempt them.

    I agree re: zenith and I think we need to strike a balance... No video will be truly timeless but of course we need to avoid making a video that will expire within a short time.

  2. Rough Cut 2

    Imagine a moment in time that never was

    (On-screen: Time axis animation showing somehow that 1 B.C. is followed by 1 A.D. and that 0 A.D. is being added artificially).

    when six civilizations were each at their zenith.

    (On-screen: Map of the 6 civs on parchment as in the Facebook page. Fade to in-game shots of various building sets & biomes.)

    Imagine the freedom to learn from a game, change it and share your creations.

    (On-screen: Gameplay shots, with overlays on the bottom fading in and out. First, logos of Windows, Linux and Mac and the words "cross-platform"; Next, logos of GNU and Creative Commons and the words "Free, open-source software").

    Gain experience in game development.

    (On-screen: Shots of the actor viewer, wireframes of buildings and units and then their textured versions, a shot of the pathfinding visualization etc.).

    Visit play0ad.com to contribute.

    (On-screen: "Volunteer openings:" & List)

    0 A.D. - History is yours for the taking.

    (On-screen: 0 A.D. logo & motto. Secondary logos: WFG and the other stuff like GNU, CC, the operating systems)

  3. Main points for the contribution piece:

    • 0 A.D. (pronounced zero ey-dee) is an RTS game, set in antiquity, spanning 6 civs. (Show in-game artwork, perhaps concepts where appropriate. Expand about this in a gameplay trailer targeted to gamers).
    • Why is it called 0 A.D.? 0 A.D. is a year that never existed, just as the reality portrayed in the game is historical fiction. What would have happened if all the civs were pitted against each other at their prime?
    • 0 A.D. runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. So you can play with your friends even if you run Linux and they don't.
    • 0 A.D. is free, open-source software. It is free of charge and always will be, but also, you can redistribute it, modify it and even use parts of it your own projects. This way, everyone can learn about game development and ancient history.
    • 0 A.D. is still in development and needs help in the following areas: (We need to decide on a list).
    • Wrap-up: 0 A.D. - History is yours for the taking.

  4. Hi JamesH, thanks for your kind words!

    • We have been releasing alpha versions every few months, making steady progress towards a playable game. We hope to reach beta (feature-complete, just iron out bugs and balance) within a year or two, but would rather not commit to a specific time so as not to disappoint.
    • I think the walls are eventually supposed to work as you wrote and I suspect the current arrangement is just a placeholder. Not 100% sure though, some other team member should verify.
    • We are currently working on the sounds and hope to have at least some of the ones you pointed out by the next alpha.

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