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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. Sorry about the lack of updates, folks; We've been hard at work adding features for the next alpha version, from formations to a Savanna biome.

    We hope this giraffe screenshot compensates for the wait:


    More screenshots have been uploaded to our ModDB (or IndieDB) profile. Check them out!

  2. It's hard to know for sure, as the Phoenicians didn't use vowels in their written language. Though, someone in here might have read an educated guess. According to Wikipedia, it is suggested as "Sur". But the question is, what do you really connect "Sur" with? On the other hand, what do you connect Tyre (Tyros is Greek, Tyrus is Latin) with? I think it should remain Tyros/Tyrus due to the fame of that name.

    For the record: The Hebrew Bible calls it "Sor"

  3. I did the Welcome tab, thanks for your feedback.

    I realize the colors could use some work and will fix them a little bit more, thanks.

    I like the hoplite idea but I am not very good at drawing human figures =\ If anyone can contribute a silhouette in the proper position I'll see what I can do.

    Also I will add an arrow pointing to the "Like" button.

  4. We need someone to help facilitate and encourage open source community contributions to the 0 A.D. codebase.

    By "facilitating", we mainly mean organizing information on our website, and especially on Trac, the system we use to manage tasks and bug reports. We'd like it to be as clear as possible, and we need someone to update information continuously, so that new contributors can always know exactly where they fit in and where their work is needed most. You'd also be expected to answer basic questions about the codebase and how to contribute to it.

    By "encouraging", we mean reaching out to new contributors and motivating a community of existing developers to keep up the good work. It means you keep track of the community at large, even outside of our site, including distro package development and more. This side also involves some publicity, which will be done in coordination with 0 A.D.'s general PR effort.

    To do this job well, you need to be a very social programmer. Although your main tasks won't involve programming, we still expect at least 3 years experience of programming C++ or having coded 30K lines in that language. Previous contributions to the 0 A.D. codebase are a big plus, so you may want to get your feet wet before applying. Good written English skills, and a sense for keeping information tidy, organized, clear and accessible are a must. It's best if you have previous experience of leading volunteers (in any context) or at least have participated in another online volunteer project, like a WikiProject on Wikipedia.

    If you're interested, please apply following these instructions.

  5. It's not about hate, it's about love. We love the idea of free software, and both Linux and 0 A.D. are free software. Free software is not only free of charge, but you can also redistribute it as much as you want, learn how it works and change it as much as you like (and share your changes & improvements). So since 0 A.D. has been free software for over a year now, it would actually be odd if 0 A.D. didn't work on Linux.

    And while it's true that not very many people use Linux on their desktop, especially not many gamers, a lot of Linux users really want good games. Very seriously so. Some of them think that once there are good games for Linux like 0 A.D., then more people will use Linux on their desktops. (Chicken and the egg: Few Linux games -> Few gamers start using Linux -> Little demand for Linux games -> Few Linux games). So we are glad to help break that magic circle a little bit.

    Plus, so far a lot of our fans and contributions come from Linux communities, both because they really want games and because Linux users often help out develop software on a volunteer basis. We don't walk out on our best friends! (y)

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