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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. Check out this awesome video uploaded by 0 A.D. contributor Mythos_Ruler:

    <object style="height: 305px; width: 500px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNsESoasiFQ?version=3"><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNsESoasiFQ?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNsESoasiFQ?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="500" height="305"></object>

    This comes after another cool HD video by 0 A.D. fan Carles Reig was put up just the other day. It is also worth checking out.

    But we don't want to settle for in-game videos... We want to create some trailers! Or an intro scene for 0 A.D., an ad targeted to OS developers to join the project, and videos that document the development as new releases come out, perhaps explaining how certain parts of the game mechanics work. If you have the video editing skills it takes, please participate in the thread we started to help organize this.

    Last but not least, we managed to raise over 44% of the funds we need to pay for 1 month of a person's full-time software development of 0 A.D. Let's give it another push and try to reach our target of $3000!

    <a href='http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/14160'><img alt='Click here to lend your support to: Sponsor a Developer on 0 A.D. and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !' src='http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/14160.png?skin_name=chrome' border='0' /></a>

  2. By the way is there any way to change the name and/or description of the topic?

    The mods definitely can, not sure if you can. Try editing the topic post, if that doesn't work then just post what you want the name and description to be and one of us will do it.

  3. We got a raving review by John Knight at Linux Journal!

    <blockquote>What becomes inescapable are the gorgeous graphics, with beautiful 3-D rendering, especially when you scroll around the map. In particular, I noticed some photographically mapped rocks, and trees are lush and green, rendered in a very tasteful and intricate 3-D. [...] Oceans move around dynamically with rippling water, beaches graduate from pebbles to sand and move gently on to the seemingly random but convincing beach vegetation, which itself graduates into thicker inland bush. Everything's just so organic.

    [... T]his is the first RTS I'm actually enthused about, and I'll keep a close eye on it in the future. The graphics are easily on par with commercial efforts (and even better than quite a few). Hopefully, the gameplay dynamics are just as solid as development continues. My keen hope is that the free 0 A.D. one day dominates LAN parties and cafés, outdoing its commercial rivals and becoming a free software gaming classic.</blockquote>

    The print version is from November 2010, so this is sort of old news, but the online version is still cool!

  4. 0 A.D. modding team Scion Development has announced that it is debuting a mod for 0 A.D. based on China under the Han dynasty.

    <blockquote>The Rise of the East is a modification that strives to bring China as a civilization into the game, meticulously researched to be as historically accurate as possible. In addition to the civilization, we plan to implement a full campaign, featuring recreations of famous historical moments, new random maps, and more. As development progresses, we will periodically update the fans with the latest news, and release promotional media although it will take some time before the entire modification is finished. To commemorate our debut, we've released a small unit pack to give the fans a preview of what is to come, which can be downloaded below.</blockquote>

    siegeoftiyrns.jpg showcase-louchuan.jpg bamboo.jpg

    Way to go and here's hoping this is just the first of many!

  5. We got an honorable mention in IndieDB's Indie of the Year contest, in the players' choice category for the Best Upcoming Indie.

    First, a big thanks to all our fans! We really appreciate your votes and they mean the world for us.

    Next, if you thought 2010 was awesome for 0 A.D., just wait for 2011. We're in a much better position than we were a year ago to keep developing the game to completion.

    Last but not least, Merry Christmas and a happy new year from all of us at Wildfire Games. See you in 2011!

  6. Check out this interview we gave to Ubuntu Gamer:<blockquote>If 0 A.D is hugely successful, would you consider taking the game commercial, either through some sort of fork or an entirely new project… or are you 100% focused on simply making an excellent cross-platform, open source RTS?

    The latter. We have very tentative plans for an expansion pack covering 1 A.D. – 500 A.D., but otherwise we have no commercial aspirations as a team at the moment. Free software doesn’t necessarily mean no money is exchanged, though, and so we are certainly open to hear ideas for business models based on 0 A.D. or the Pyrogenesis engine.

    Likewise, we don’t mind giving other people the opportunity to make a living too. The beauty of free software is that anyone can provide support for 0 A.D., sell proprietary art and sounds for the game and more. So for the meantime, we hope a lot of people tinker with 0 A.D. and the business it could spur.</blockquote>

    (This was posted on the 0 A.D. Facebook fan page and Twitter feed a few days ago, but regretfully I've been late to post this up on the official 0 A.D. news feed.)

    In other news, we're got over 20% of our target sum on our One-Month 0 A.D. Development Pledge in about 8 days. At this rate we should be able to collect the whole sum within the next 32 days. Thanks to everyone who contributed and keep it coming!

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