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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. 2. Try to make all the possible connections with agesanctuary.com players. Especcially the best AOE3 players who made the Fanpatch. It's a great RTS community. Let those players (much of them where top 100 of aoe3) help you playtest the game and make it into the best possible multiplayer experience. Yes, i know it sounds a bit silly to ask them for it, but they are the people who allready decided that aoeo might not be the right game for them. Besides, they are really balancing experts, and they have good idea's about how multiplayer games should be like.

    We will keep that in mind when the time for playtesting comes (this will be in quite a few months, maybe a year or so).

    The address you provided doesn't work for me. I'm guessing Age Sanctuary is really http://rts-sanctuary.com/ ?

    I allready enjoyed more multiplayer games with friends in 0ad then in age of empires online :)!

    Thanks! That is a huge compliment for us.

  2. Jubalbarca, I thought about that too but I wasn't sure if it was a good suggestion.

    The Romans named this river Iber (Iberus Flumen)' date=' hence its current name (but it probably derives from the Greek Hèvros, Ἑβρος). Arguably the whole peninsula and some of the peoples living there were named after the river[/quote'].
  3. We are building a car from some scrap metal and with little more than some general information about how other cars are built (other manufacturers keep everything under the hood a secret). Our car can ignite and make a nice, slow drive around the block already.

    I think we can be forgiven for not having chrome hubcaps and a rear spoiler (yet). :)

  4. Klingbeil, we need people to record a large collection of in-game shots so that our video editor Jordan (Quacker) can put them together. You are welcome to record eyecandy, battles, landscapes, and any changes to the game. Do you think you'd like to do that?

  5. I really like your voice and instructional approach, Klingbeil.

    In October we put up an announcement that we were seeking video editors. Does this description seem to fit you?

    Video editors: Create several promotional, educational and other videos for 0 A.D.. These may include an intro scene for 0 A.D., a general promotional trailer about the basic features of the game, an ad targeted to OS developers to join the project, and videos that document the development as new releases come out, perhaps explaining how certain parts of the game mechanics work. Candidates should be able to demonstrate past work in a portfolio. 3d graphics capabilities are a plus, but most videos should be perfectly doable with 2d graphics and in-game recording.
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