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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. You're very welcome to stay and join, Venn.

    Meanwhile, Quacker, let's keep working on this. Could you specify what you need to move forward? :)

    (Incidentally we now have an awesome music dept. head, Omri, so I think we have the music side covered).

  2. I used to be called Jerusalem over the AoKH forums, I picked it out when I was about 14 and I had this really intense (Jewish) religious phase, and Jerusalem is a really important place in Judaism. (I actually don't live there and never did.) Everybody would call me Jeru for short.

    For a while I got tired of it and changed it to Akavish (which is Hebrew for "spider"), and everybody hated it so I changed it to Jeru. Elsewhere on the internet I am known as Zenith87 (cool astronomical word derived from Arabic, taken ultimately from the 0 A.D. creed) and Thufir87 (character in Dune who can predict the future and advises leaders as some sort of intelligence officer).

  3. Rough Cut 4

    Imagine a moment in time that never was

    (On-screen: Time axis animation showing somehow that 1 B.C. is followed by 1 A.D. and that 0 A.D. is being added artificially).

    when six civilizations were each at their prime.

    (On-screen: Map of the 6 civs on parchment as in the Facebook page. Fade to in-game shots of various building sets & biomes.)

    Imagine the freedom to learn from a game, alter and expand it and share your creations.

    (On-screen: Gameplay shots, with overlays on the bottom fading in and out. First, logos of Windows, Linux and Mac and the words "cross-platform"; Next, logos of GNU and Creative Commons and the words "Free, open-source software").

    Gain experience in game development.

    (On-screen: Shots of the actor viewer, wireframes of buildings and units and then their textured versions, a shot of the pathfinding visualization etc.).

    Visit play0ad.com to contribute.

    (On-screen: Find Out How to Contribute at www.linkhere.com, possibly with YT annotations)

    0 A.D. - History is yours for the taking.

    (On-screen: 0 A.D. logo & motto. Secondary logos: WFG and the other stuff like GNU, CC, the operating systems)

  4. Sorry, Alandil, it had to be done at some point... For security reasons (the old IPB was not secure), for money-related reasons (we already bought the license - no point in wasting the money), for spam protection (it started getting really really bad over the last few months) and for website development (it is incredibly hard to redo the website and attract new developers and fans when it is essentially a hand-coded hijacked form of the forum system).

    Took me a few days to get used to it, but it's like getting around in a foreign country, over time you get better at it. :)

  5. I had another thought, of perhaps zooming into a timeline. Between the marks for "1 BC" and "1 AD", some greek ornamentation fades in.

    The zooming in continues to an extreme close-up of the ornamented timeline. When the black timeline occupies most of the screen, the 0 A.D. logo fades in as well.



  6. We could opt for something along the lines of "Check x page to see what contribution opportunities are available!" instead. If we list specific positions, we're bound to encounter applicants long after they're filled.

    Yes, I agree. Could work with video annotations.

  7. I think we need to provide a list of areas of contribution, rather than specific positions. (Gameplay programming, AI scripting, animation, ...)

    And there are different ways to accomplish this motion graphic, I am sort of apprehensive about pointing out any because I will probably not be implementing them and I don't want to suggest something really implausible.

    I would like that motion graphic to appear on some parchment or papyrus.

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