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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. I strongly agree it should be fixed, but the problem is that won't happen unless someone fixes it :(. (I can't test on OS X myself - I can continue making blind guesses but it usually takes 24 hours for someone to test it and report the results, so iteration is very slow. I don't suppose anyone happens to have an SSH-accessible machine we could use for build testing (with root access so we can run MacPorts etc) or something along those lines?)

    I can put this in the release announcement, and keep advertising for it occasionally. Even specifically write Mac gaming blogs to ask for someone willing to help with this.

  2. What? :o Now that's a story I'd like to hear =)

    When the first scientists looked at gut microorganisms they thought they were looking at tiny plants, or (micro)flora. Today we know they are actually bacteria and other microbes. Still, the name stuck. The end. :)

  3. Two new pieces up on 0 A.D. on the interwebs: First, we have a new interview up at Geek-Haven.com:

    What obstacles do the 0 A.D. game developers face? Perhaps on a day-to-day level, and perhaps on a larger scale?

    [...] First, we are a group of volunteers from all over the world, in very different timezones, contributing in several different fields. Coordinating everybody so that we’re on the same page can be challenging. It requires effective management and good communications. We have weekly IRC meetings and forums to help cope with that for team discussions. (Our conversations can get pretty silly, which is awesome.)

    [... W]e would also like to attract new contributors willing and able to help complete 0 A.D. Our general approach to this is to release regularly and often, and keep letting the world know about our progress. Since August 2010 we have released an alpha version every 70 days on average, and we intend to keep releasing more alpha versions at about the same frequency (or slightly greater) until the game is feature-complete. If any developers out there are reading this, you are welcome to get involved.

    Especially if you're not familiar with our previous interviews, read the whole thing.

    Next, there's an update by Chris Tozzi up on The VAR Guy (formerly WorksWithU), who has been covering the project since 2009:

    The last time we wrote about 0 A.D. was in December 2010, shortly after it had reached its third alpha release. Since then, a lot has changed–and for the better, as the developers have steadily improved the game and increased the momentum of the project, which only a couple years ago was nearing stagnation.

    The 0 A.D. team attributed its progress in recent months to the enthusiasm of contributors, both new and old, who have passionately committed themselves and their skills to the project:

    "All of this is thanks to new contributors who have joined the team, as well as the existing team members who keep providing great contributions. We have a professional composer playing the bouzouki and the Spanish guitar at home for the benefit of the gaming public worldwide, a sound team recording sounds of water splashing and dogs barking, programmers grappling problems from raising framerates to fine-tuning the AI’s strategy, and artists drawing maps of Mediterranean landscapes, animating giraffes and texturing fortresses."

    Read the whole thing!

  4. Check out the new album artwork for the 0 A.D. soundtrack:


    The scene is set in a Greek theater. It contains some weapons and armor (a helmet, a sword, a spear, a shield, a fasces and an arrow), some musical instruments (a lyre and two trumpets), a theatrical mask and an amphora. (An amphora is a ceramic container used in ancient times for transporting and storing wine, oil, grains and other commodities.)

    Thus, it represents some major themes in the game (antiquity, nation-building and warfare) and contains a reference to music and the arts. We chose to represent 0 A.D. in a theater in self-conscious irony, as if to say, "We're just acting out war, and setting it to this music".

    For now, the album art will be used on the 0 A.D. Bandcamp page to help make the soundtrack look cooler. The soundtrack itself is released under cc-by-sa and will always be packaged with the game free of charge.

    Thanks to 0 A.D. contributor Gordon Napier (dashinvaine) for this work of art.

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