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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. "Germelqart" is a Punic name appearing in one funerary inscription. (1, 2)

    Edit: It apparently means "He who sojourns with Melqart", where Melqart (properly Milk-Qart, "King of the City") was the tutelary god of the Phoenician city of Tyre.

    Hannibal seems to have been a big fan of Melqart and he worshipped him all the time.

    (Incidentally, Tyre is less than 60km from my house as the crow flies.)

  2. Reaching out to our Hellenic fans, we gave a 0 A.D. team interview to Greek-language Linux & open source software website OSArena.

    I believe that 0 A.D. is one of the very few strategy games that show the world that free of charge can be as good as company developed strategy game paid products. Why do you believe there are so few good strategy games for free? Also we see many abandoned projects. Why is this happening?

    It's quite easy to name some common reasons why online collaborative projects fall apart and are abandoned: Loss of motivation and commitment, poor management, major disagreements, and plain lack of time due to real life constraints.

    The more ambitious a collaborative volunteer internet project is, the more specialized people, time and coordination it requires, the less personnel turnover it can tolerate -- and the more likely it is to be abandoned. And strategy games like 0 A.D. are very ambitious. They involve a very wide variety of disciplines - lots of programming (low-level coding, high-level architecture, networking, scripting, UI, 3D graphics, etc), and art (texturing, modelling, animating), and audio, and gameplay design, etc. So you'll get stuck if you don't have people specializing in all those areas almost simultaneously to get a well-rounded game, with both a good engine and pleasing artwork. Few other types of application need such a wide range of expertise. Thankfully, we have had quite little turnover, but over a decade, contributors do finish school, get married, have children, and generally have less time to contribute to 0 A.D.

    Read the whole thing, and scroll down if your modern Greek is a little rusty. The English original follows the translation.

  3. I think what he's trying to say is that the letters A and D are pronounced differently in other languages so they should use their local pronunciation.

    Yes (and also the number "zero") but SMST says that in German this would come across as ridiculous, and so the original English pronunciation should be retained. This may be true for other languages as well.

  4. I'd like to keep the writing "0 A.D." in all languages and the pronunciation be [the local word for "zero"] + [the local sound for the letter "A"] + [the local sound for the letter "D"].

    That is what I did in Hebrew - When discussing the game in Hebrew I call it efes ey di. (Hebrew borrowed the pronunciation of most Latin letters from British English, except for X, which is curiously pronounced iks. This is probably from German.)

    This is in accordance with the convention for other loanwords in Hebrew like "mp3", which is pronounced em pi shalosh, where shalosh is Hebrew for "three". If other languages have other translation conventions, I am willing to consider them as well.

  5. Hi Shan, nice to see you. I contributed around 2003-'04, but your nick doesn't ring a bell. I only interacted with a few team members, though.

    How old were you when you contributed? How old are you now? What are you doing these days? And do you feel that 0 A.D. has contributed something to your own life?

    TLA is on the backburner, as it has largely been abandoned. And I guess the 2006 deadline has been pushed back to 2012. :P I think the game suffered from near stagnation for a while in the mid-00's, particularly in the programming department. Going open source and releasing regular alphas has attracted new developers and sped up development tremendously.

  6. I'm trying to translate to portuguese right now. The page isn't large, so it'll not take long, or at least i hope so. By the way, i'm having problems to find words for 'Snapshot' and 'resource shuttling', i don't know what these words means and Google translator can't help with it, can someone explain me the meaning?

    Aleksandr explained "snapshot" well.

    "Resource shuttling" is when a unit gathers resources, like fruit or chopped wood or chunks of gold, and then carries them to the appropriate building, and then dumps them there, and then returns to the original site to gather some more and repeat the process.

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