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Posts posted by Jeru

  1. Wildfire Games proudly announces the release of "0 A.D. Alpha 3 Cerberus", the third alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source game of ancient warfare. Now you can play on a round map, garrison units in buildings, watch units shuttle resources to a dropsite, set up games more easily, look at game statistics when they're over and more!

    Plus: This holiday season, we're fundraising to get a one of our developers paid to do 1 month of work on 0 A.D. Look below for more details.

    Easy Download and Install

    Download and installation instructions are available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. 0 A.D. is free of charge and always will be. You can redistribute it and modify it as long as you abide by the GPL. You can even use parts of the art and sound for your own projects as long as you abide by CC-BY-SA. No registration, no advertising, no catch.





    New features in this release:

    • Gameplay: Added garrisoning; Added resource shuttling; Added circular maps; Improved pathfinding; Improved LOS computation performance; Rebalanced units.
    • Multiplayer: Slightly improved multiplayer latency; Allow multiplayer matches to continue when a player leaves.
    • Art: Hellenic and Celtic ships; Greek buildings (gymnasion, house, resource mill, fortress and gate building, or propylaea, as eye candy); Desert plants and pine trees; Treasure eye candy.
    • GUI: Improved game setup screen; Redesigned loading screen; Added summary screen.
    • Other UI aspects: Added double-click/triple-click selection of all units of a certain kind; Fixed hotkey bugs.
    • Multiple new maps to play: Acropolis, Belgian Bog, Cycladic Archipelago, Death Canyon, Median Oasis, Miletus, Resource Demo, Saharan Oases, Savana Ravine, Ship Attacks Demo, Tower Attacks Demo, We are Legion Demo.

    Room for improvement:

    • There is no computer opponent AI yet. In single-player games the enemy does nothing.
    • There is no random map generation yet.
    • Many unit stats are still unbalanced.
    • Many planned gameplay features are not added yet: There is no research, no auras, no rank upgrades, no settlements and territories, etc.
    • Many bugs and small missing features.
    • There is no multiplayer matchmaking service. You have to connect by IP address. (More convenient ways may be implemented in the future).

    An overview of the gameplay feature status is on our wiki, and as you can see, there is still a lot of work to be done. If you want to be part of this effort too, you're welcome to get involved!

    Why "Cerberus"?

    We name our releases according to development status ("Alpha" or "Beta"), successive release number (1, 2, 3, ...) and a word relating to the ancient world, in alphabetical order ("Argonaut" for A, "Bellerophon" for B, ...).

    In Greek and Roman mythology, Cerberus (pronounced SUR-buh-ruhs) is the multi-headed hound that guarded the gates of Hades, the ancient Greek underworld. The deceased entered the underworld by crossing the river Styx ferried across by Charon, who charged an obolus, a small coin, as a fee. Cerberus was stationed on the far side of the river and prevented those who had crossed it from ever escaping. (Source: Wikipedia articles on Cerberus and the Greek underworld). According to our records, "Cerberus" was first suggested on our forums by 0 A.D. fan SMST. Thanks!

    For the next alpha, we welcome fan suggestions for words relating to the ancient world beginning with the letter D. We will prefer words related to the civilizations of ancient Iberia. Keep it original and within the 0 A.D. timeframe (appx. 500 BC - 1 BC).

    The One-Month 0 A.D. Development Pledge

    We've been making some significant and steady progress since 0 A.D. became an open-source effort in July 2009. We've had releases come out in almost regular installments, each with new features, bringing us, slowly but surely, closer to a finished game. All of this was accomplished by volunteers in their spare time, away from school, university and real life jobs. Just think what we could accomplish with one month's solid work of one of our developers!

    To that end, we are raising $3,000 via Pledgie. That's like 150 people donating $20 each. The funds will go to compensating a developer of the team's choice for 160 hours of work. If we don’t achieve the amount we need for a full month, we’ll round it to the nearest week, and put the remainder aside to help with maintaining the website and the SVN servers we use for developers. Thanks in advance!

    <a href='http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/14160'><img alt='Click here to lend your support to: Sponsor a Developer on 0 A.D. and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !' src='http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/14160.png?skin_name=chrome' border='0' /></a>

    Long Time, No Siege

    Wildfire Games will continue releasing new versions of 0 A.D. periodically. Watch our news feed to keep updated, or follow us by e-mail, RSS, Facebook or Twitter. And you're always welcome to join the 0 A.D. community on our forums.

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  2. Wouldnt more people produce more?

    Sorry, no. People are not the limiting factor. There are lots more people in developing countries than there used to be, and a lot of them have no access to modern medicine, fresh water and all the nutrients they need. A lot of newborns die of disease, children go blind because of vitamin A deficiency etc.

    I would rather sort all of that out before adding a few more billion people into this earth in one go.

    As for the last question, I would choose C, then B, then A. As long as I have access to the outside world, I can get some kind of help for my problems, like calling the coast guard or buying more weapons against the evil Polish people, or learning how to treat myself for any injuries or illnesses. Both scenarios A and B entail total isolation which is dangerous. A is particularly dangerous because my existence depends more on machines that could break or supplies that could run out, and then I could freeze to death very easily.

  3. So we're still talking up to >5 million people. And horses. I could never command them effectively. I have no guarantees they have an existing organization or that they even know each other. And it would call an awful lot of attention if they all popped out of nowhere in a single day.

    I would rather get fewer units but each would have superpowers or something.

    Edit: Suicide? What if I wanted them back again later?

  4. A and B are similar premises - A certain amount of slaves mindlessly obeying your every order.

    A is too many people for the earth to support. We would all run out of room, food, water etc.

    B is tempting. They come with presumably better armor. But I'm not sure what "70 cores" are. I hope it's a typo for "70 scores", meaning 70*20 = 1400, which is many orders of magnitude less than A. But if it's just the core of their body or some other trick then I'll pass.

    C sounds like a very lucrative business opportunity. So I will go with C.

  5. We tried to have a contest about a year ago for another thing, for sounds that would supposedly enter the game, and there were very few submissions. :)

    Also, we would like some control on the message the video would convey, so it really represents the development team. That is hard to do without close collaboration.

  6. It's that time of year again.


    For those unfamiliar with the event, each year ModDB hosts a Mod of the Year award, based on votes from players. After the launch of IndieDB this past summer, they've decided to host an independent event for indie games to give them extra exposure.

    This time IndieDB has collaborated with notable gaming websites such as Joystiq, DIYGamer, Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Indie Games: The Weblog and more. This is great news for 0 A.D. and other great indies that are featured on IndieDB. It shows that the indie game community is increasingly coming together to celebrate the diversity and talent that goes into these games.

    But we don't want to settle for a nice celebration of creativity. We want to win! Last year we took third place. Let's see how we can do with a year of releases under our belts!

    Please vote for us!

    (Thanks, Kimball!)

  7. Hi everybody,

    As you may know, I have been thinking about creating 0 A.D. trailer(s) and other videos for a long time. It could really help get more people interested, particularly outside of the Linux gaming community. (They are great but we should shoot for even more fans, and from other communities too).

    As the video editor spec says:

    Video editors: Create several promotional, educational and other videos for 0 A.D. These may include an intro scene for 0 A.D., a general promotional trailer about the basic features of the game, an ad targeted to OS developers to join the project, and videos that document the development as new releases come out, perhaps explaining how certain parts of the game mechanics work. Candidates should be able to demonstrate past work in a portfolio. 3d graphics capabilities are a plus, but most videos should be perfectly doable with 2d graphics and in-game recording.

    0 A.D. fan and mapmaker extraordinaire Pureon has kindly donated the following short videos:








    Would be great to have more clips, or to make more maps available for recording shots from (I'm looking at you, Mythos_Ruler! :))

    Also, I have head-hunted arthur01022 (the guy behind the UbuntuAds YouTube channel; application thread here) to create cool videos for 0 A.D. Anyone else who wants to help Arthur out is also invited.

    Sound & music people like kinetik, markandersonaudio and others are also invited to contribute in their fields of expertise. Most existing tracks are available here.

    Let's get this ball rolling.

  8. Mythos: whatever insults I did make, don't take personally, I've found that when I ask nicely for help in opensource (say on #debian or anywhere else), I get none. When I make some noise, well that's more sucessful. This is in any opensource project I've ever used, contributed to, etc etc. This is from about 9 years of linux experiance.

    By your own admission, you insulted team members (I have no idea what you said but I will take your word for it).

    I don't know what you consider "noise" but we don't respond well to insults.

    Maybe we're special. That's how our community works, though. Please abide by the rules from now on and everything should be fine.

  9. Interesting how some languages are preciser than the other. At least in colloquial German, there would be no difference between the two. (maybe there is one made in scientific literature, don't know) Thanks!

    Same in Hebrew. (But Hebrew has many different words for harvesting different plants, for example).

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