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Everything posted by Jeru

  1. Main points for the contribution piece: 0 A.D. (pronounced zero ey-dee) is an RTS game, set in antiquity, spanning 6 civs. (Show in-game artwork, perhaps concepts where appropriate. Expand about this in a gameplay trailer targeted to gamers). Why is it called 0 A.D.? 0 A.D. is a year that never existed, just as the reality portrayed in the game is historical fiction. What would have happened if all the civs were pitted against each other at their prime? 0 A.D. runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. So you can play with your friends even if you run Linux and they don't. 0 A.D. is free, open-source software. It is free of charge and always will be, but also, you can redistribute it, modify it and even use parts of it your own projects. This way, everyone can learn about game development and ancient history. 0 A.D. is still in development and needs help in the following areas: (We need to decide on a list). Wrap-up: 0 A.D. - History is yours for the taking.
  2. Personally I want a video that explains what 0 A.D. is, and encourages the viewer to contribute in our most-needed areas (some programming areas, animation etc.)
  3. The Fast Reply form is extremely buggy. Leave it out of focus and then click in the text area again and everything inside the text area disappears.
  4. (Discovered via Google alerts, commented on and favorited.)
  5. The admin login form doesn't work anymore... Even though you fill out the form on /sitemanagementforum/admin.php, when clicking "login" it redirects to /forum/admin.php.
  6. I am guessing people will be writing stuff like "boobs" but perhaps something good can come out of this.
  7. This isn't showing up on the 0 A.D. homepage at the moment. =\
  8. Yeah I had to omit some letters to make it to fit in 140 chars. People can fill in the missing vowels.
  9. Hi skyline1241, I edited your sig so as not to gratuitously link to a video download site, please don't get offended if you are human.
  10. Hi JamesH, thanks for your kind words! We have been releasing alpha versions every few months, making steady progress towards a playable game. We hope to reach beta (feature-complete, just iron out bugs and balance) within a year or two, but would rather not commit to a specific time so as not to disappoint. I think the walls are eventually supposed to work as you wrote and I suspect the current arrangement is just a placeholder. Not 100% sure though, some other team member should verify. We are currently working on the sounds and hope to have at least some of the ones you pointed out by the next alpha.
  11. Hi Chickenwings1415! (I hope you are not a spambot.)
  12. *Rings bell* Calling for pretty screenshots with the new fog for PR purposes.
  13. Ethnic indeed, just the wrong ethnicity. (Wikipedia tells me it is a Turkic word. I would have guessed it's from one of the Native American dialects actually)
  14. Check out this awesome video uploaded by 0 A.D. contributor Mythos_Ruler: <object style="height: 305px; width: 500px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNsESoasiFQ?version=3"><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNsESoasiFQ?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNsESoasiFQ?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="500" height="305"></object> This comes after another cool HD video by 0 A.D. fan Carles Reig was put up just the other day. It is also worth checking out. But we don't want to settle for in-game videos... We want to create some trailers! Or an intro scene for 0 A.D., an ad targeted to OS developers to join the project, and videos that document the development as new releases come out, perhaps explaining how certain parts of the game mechanics work. If you have the video editing skills it takes, please participate in the thread we started to help organize this. Last but not least, we managed to raise over 44% of the funds we need to pay for 1 month of a person's full-time software development of 0 A.D. Let's give it another push and try to reach our target of $3000! <a href='http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/14160'><img alt='Click here to lend your support to: Sponsor a Developer on 0 A.D. and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !' src='http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/14160.png?skin_name=chrome' border='0' /></a>
  15. The mods definitely can, not sure if you can. Try editing the topic post, if that doesn't work then just post what you want the name and description to be and one of us will do it.
  16. Right now, only deleting them AFAIK.
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