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Everything posted by Jeru

  1. The PR department kindly requests a cool screenshot of some fire and smoke.
  2. Sure thing. Thanks, Jade Knight.
  3. Tweeted and posted on Facebook, for coolness.
  4. OMG Carthaginians vs. Elves. I would totally go for that. (Awesome building)
  5. Venn, about 60 seconds total. For the next versions, get rid of the words "in time":
  6. I sent Venn a request via YouTube.
  7. Can the PR department ask for some nicer screenshots featuring the silhouettes (without bugs)?
  8. Nah. That one was a spoiled brat anyway.
  9. Way to go & good luck, Luke!
  10. There we go. I think we have a voice actor. Venn, can you record the following and upload it somewhere as an audio file? (Edit: I changed it a little bit since the last rough cut to have a better rhythm to it).
  11. I like silhouette3 the best. But that's just me.
  12. I posted a notice that we're seeking a voice actor on the news. I'd give it a week or two. If that doesn't work, we can always hire someone from voices.com or something. (Edit: Cool voices: Kurt Kelly & Deb Munro).
  13. Just to be picky: Forests don't necessarily need to be planted. They self-replenish within a century or so as soon as agriculture and grazing stop. This has occurred every time a civilization has taken a hit, e.g. after war and exile.
  14. Can I distribute this thing to the general public?
  15. Cool trailer for another game that runs natively on Linux:
  16. I am very glad to say you are barging into an open door in respect to most of your (constructive) criticism. (unit speed, no phantom ships, battle music). Future factions are a long, long way off. Lootable ships will probably have to wait for a mod for this purpose.
  17. I will put out an announcement after Alpha 4.
  18. We need to find one. What kind of talent should we look for? Male/female? Young/old?
  19. I approve the script. Signed, Higher Power
  20. Welcome, Marco, and thanks for your kind words!
  21. Saw it via the Facebook feed. Thanks for the upgrade & the thank-you!
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