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Everything posted by Jeru

  1. So far I like the one in posts #24 and #25 the best. But I am still looking forward to better work. I miss some of the drama and detail you can see in the old AoE covers. Can you use the main menu artwork, perhaps? Yes, no problem. Yes, I agree, it can be much improved. Try setting it in SMALL CAPS. Also please avoid stretching it vertically, it can make text extremely ugly. I always like indicating that 0 A.D. is cross-platform with logos of Windows, Tux and Apple. Another idea is to represent the Creative Commons by-sa license and the GPL (v. 2 and above; sadly only v3 has an official logo).
  2. Can I share this over the official 0 A.D. social media platforms? I will, of course, provide due credit.
  3. Some inspiration for the vocals: The first minute of this song has no words. Don't be afraid to use very few lyrics and fill in the rest with non-textual sounds. It will make it easier for the players to concentrate on the game.
  4. Yeah, there should be some elements of antiquity and war. Also, greater contrast between text and background ("History is yours...!" is currently hard to read.)
  5. At the bottom, it's not clear what we are looking at a shadow of. Also, for the background, perhaps you can use the GUI art assets that come with the game. See here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/ui
  6. Remember 0 A.D. is free, open-source software, so you can always implement your own ideas in a mod (or hire somebody to do it for you)...
  7. Sometimes you can find fellow players on IRC channels #0ad and #0ad-dev on QuakeNet. Thanks for the kind words and good luck!
  8. We need help creating graphics for a 0 A.D. page on Linux game distribution website Gameolith: Any takers? Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi bonazaz, thanks for your kind offer but we're not ready yet to localize 0 A.D. yet to any language, including Russian. We'll let everyone know when we are ready. Thanks again!
  10. Yeah. (What does that mean exactly?)
  11. I dunno, it was kind of a nuisance when I was seeking citizens for farming or chopping wood and I kept getting cavalry
  12. That is why I think they should not show up on the idle citizen hotkey (.)
  13. Yeah, those are all Punic/Canaanite, not oversights. Thanks anyway.
  14. Those are two different words: טחנה and תחנה
  15. Just got around to running the game on a new computer, for the first time in many alphas. Can we please add an [X] button to close the feedback form stuff after the first few uses or so? I think it is a little ugly.
  16. Sorry, I just realized the mill is a repository for stone, metal and wood. Another building, the farmstead, could be a tahanah/mathenah (currently an Estate or an Aḥuzāh.)
  17. See the full entity list in the design document and the full sound list in this thread (post #20).
  18. Moved from an internal WFG forum because I thought it was time to open it to the community, and it didn't seem like there were anybody's secrets in the thread. Just today and yesterday, we have had offers over the forums and the contact form to record sounds in Greek and in Punic/Hebrew.
  19. True. (Preferably tahanah). The s with háček 〈š〉 stands for the "sh" sound. These are known words from Punic/Phoenician. (source for "Sadd") The Even Shoshan dictionary says "Namel".
  20. Hi BurnEmDown, I'm Aviv, also from Israel, and I did the Carthaginian names based on modern Hebrew. נעים להכיר If you have any ideas for corrections or improved translations, they are very welcome. Also, would you be interested in recording yourself saying things in Hebrew so we can put them in the game? (If you can make a heavy Sephardic or Yemenite accent, that would be best.)
  21. +1 There's a lot of internal dialog that players have going on in their heads when playing a strategy game. So that's why lyrics can be distracting if you understand them. Any human vocals in-game should be very subtle and atmospheric, and in a foreign tongue.
  22. Thorfinn, each of the civilizations in the game.
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