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Everything posted by Jeru

  1. Michael, you mean the bottom window ("History of the Athenians")?
  2. I want to change some of the information on the civ info screen. Some of the terminology is wrong (e.g., the AoE series term "ages" is used instead of the 0 A.D. term "phases"), some tooltips are missing info (what do the words for the Celtic bonuses mean?). Also, some tooltips have politically charged value judgments (e.g., Hellenic culture spread because the Hellenes "had superior culture and evocative language"... I think many peoples conquered by the Hellenes would disagree). Where is the relevant file? I cannot find it.
  3. Hi Brynn, I've been thinking you have well earned the right to be inducted to the team! Would you like to upload your videos to the official 0 A.D. YouTube channel? Let me know if this is okay by you, and I will give you the details privately.
  4. I forgot to update that Gameolith has written back:
  5. I wrote another e-mail address at Gameolith. Maybe this one will elicit a response of some kind. Worst case scenario, we'll just upload Ludo's work onto the website.
  6. In that case, of course we would never limit the sharing to Facebook-only.
  7. Do potential contributors really get scared off by little buttons that say "Share"?
  8. Me too (and lots of other people have told us the same). Coming up in the next alpha. :-)
  9. Yeah, this game mode was considered but scrapped for 0 A.D. Perhaps in a future expansion pack ("0 A.D. Part II").
  10. As our friends have hinted, Egypt was no longer a major power in 0 A.D.'s timeframe. So we are not thinking about ancient Egypt for 0 A.D. (Hellenistic Egypt is a remote possibility.) However, this is a free project and people are welcome to extend it as they wish. Anyone interested in creating an Egyptian mod is free to do so. KayEhn and Lion.Kanzen, if you could please be nicer and more welcoming to newcomers who are posting in good faith, that would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  11. I just wrote Gameolith to make sure they are still interested. (Last contact was in August.) Wondering what Michael has to say before I send off the art.
  12. But 0 A.D. is an open source project and we can always change it later. I also suggested to move the social media buttons into an HTML file generated each time with the exported data, to make the buttons less conspicuous than, say, if they were in the game UI.
  13. TBH I don't understand this "anti" feeling. People are sharing info from lots of proprietary games on social media, I don't understand why FOSS games like 0 A.D. need to be kept hidden from the public in forums for insiders only.
  14. Reminder: Could we wrap this up using the post #25 graphic, preferably with the source files you used?
  15. I am wondering if a data export button would be useful. Perhaps the data could be exported into an external HTML file and that would include all the social media buttons, rather than the in-game interface.
  16. Within the team, we are currently discussing how to allocate funds to 0 A.D. development most effectively.
  17. Everybody please refrain from using profanities. Next person I see using the s-word, f-word etc. is banned with no further warning.
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