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Posts posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. 8 minutes ago, wackyserious said:

    Even the Athenians has a wide range of champion units.

    • Athenian Epibates (Marines)
    • Ephilektoi (Champion hoplite)
    • Thureophoroi
    • Scyhtian archers
    • Thracian swordsmen

    Too many IMHO. They never used Thureophoroi and Thracian Swordsmen, either. The 'Royal Stoa' was a mistake.

    • Like 1
  2. Having a problem intermittently where the Windows Taskbar won't go behind the gameplay window. Might not be 0 A.D.'s fault per se. Any idea how to get rid of this problem? Taskbar is not set to 'Lock' either.



  3. 2 minutes ago, Gyrion said:

    Thanks for all the replies guys! Just from experimenting I don't know if this helps more but ingame my FPS would drop massively when I moved characters and they looked extremely jittery, I don't know if that might be the cause because other than the ig changes to the characters/units the game doesn't atleast appear to different from Alpha 21

    Are you sure you're using your graphics card and not your onboard graphics?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Alexandermb said:

    Could work if he knows where exactly it got that fps amount, My pc can't handle heavy smoke neither fog nor Very High shadows no matter wich game it is so maybe hes pc hardware may have a performance problem at one specific graphic option.

    Smoke I understand. Particles are a performance hit, but distance fog shouldn't hurt that much.

  5. 3 hours ago, The Undying Nephalim said:

    They are auto-smoothed already. :laugh:

    hmm, lol, then perhaps it's your positioning of them. Looks kind of random, also too many planes. Check out the Carob trees in-game to get a better view of how the geometry in a tree canopy should be structured. The Baobabs are good examples too. Basically, you want a kind of "layered" look to the canopy planes to give some good internal self-shadowing. When you have a lot of randomized planes like you have now you create these weird shadows and odd intersections, which don't look as good as they should since all of your other artwork is top notch. :) 

  6. I encourage you to use short range for LOS/Vision for now until there's some kind of "Engagement range" coded into the game. Lower vision range will help you/the player control the units better and they won't run off and attack whatever wanders into vision range.


    Also, a suggestion/tip for your videos. If you really want to show off some detail with your units, you can unlock the camera by Ctrl-D. That way you can zoom in further than the hardcoded minimum for your videos.


    Art tip: Use auto-smooth on the branch/leaf faces in the canopies of your trees. This will help alleviate that "planey" look to the treetops. 

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, stanislas69 said:

    I wonder though if that'd be really useful to have a sound for that. Like wouldn't it be confused with tjust phase being finished ?

    No, it's not confusing. I currently have a workaround for this for the Romans (the completion sound of the required temples is the phase sound), but it's not a good workaround for the Han and Kushites (since their requirements are multiple items of a class, not just 1 like the Romans). It's essential, IMHO, if you're going to have auto-research phase techs to audibly notify the player when the phase has been auto-researched.



    Likely in the technology manager

    Yeah, I knew it was somewhere. ;) 

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Rolf Dew said:

    What about getting like loot from destroying buildings? To simulate raiding and pillaging of villages? 

    Or even for killing villagers?

    The Vae Victis effect for the Gauls can work here for the Xion and other nomads. Either as a cultural bonus or as a tech line.


    Another thing to mention here is that the Xion in Terra Magna, like the Kushites, Han, and Republican Romans in Delenda Est, have auto-researching phase techs. It would be nice to enable the sound effect for auto-researched techs. This needs a couple lines of new code in the sound manager, if I remember correctly from some past discussions on that.

    • Like 2
  9. Messing around with the Xiongnu 0.1 in TM, I've come to these ideas:

    • Should be able to build any building in own, ally, and neutral territory.
    • All structures very weak HP/Health. Perhaps 33% of normal (besides the CC, which should only be slightly weaker than other CCs). Consequently, probably something like half the cost and build time.
      • Perhaps a "Great Settlement" late tech that removes the unpacking ability of buildings, but gives them full-strength HP/Health.
    • When Civic Center, or Chanyu's Hall is unpacked, its territory grants greater (perhaps double) health and capture resistance to all of the player's structures.
    • Packing and unpacking should be faster than it is now. Maybe 30 seconds for the Civic Center, 20 seconds for Corral/Training Ground/Temple, and 10 seconds for a Yurt.
      • A "Great Migration" late tech could reduce these pack times even further, perhaps by half.
    • Make one Dropsite structure, instead of the current two. In fact, just have a trainable (from the CC and later from the Market) ox cart for a dropsite and dispense with the current unpacking dynamic for this structure.
    • Make a new Market structure (nomads were strong traders) and put the economic techs there. Perhaps base the model around the current "food deposit" model. See screenshot below for a Market mockup using the "Storehouse" and "Food dropsite" models.
    • I think they should at least get Outposts.
    • Definitely need a Wonder.
    • Blacksmith can double as the Siege Workshop.





    • Like 8
  10. 2 hours ago, Alexandermb said:

    Maybe change the way the corral animals are gathered, they are gathered as meat but what if you change that for example cows give milk, what if its changed as some slow gathering for milk, cotton, and other kinda of resources wich can be harvested whitout killing the animal

    Basically, yes, that's the idea. Not so granular, but in general you'd find domestic animals when scouting, they'd convert to your side, then you'd garrison them into the corral for a trickle of food resource. Similarly, if you find wild horse it converts to your side, and then you can garrison it into a corral and it would benefit cavalry training in some way. These are like old-school relics, but unique-ified for 0 A.D.

  11. 2 hours ago, Thorfinn the Shallow Minded said:

    I'd like corrals to work as they were initially designed and/or scrapping the annoying, micro-intensive animal training mechanic.  A lot of the foundations for capturing sheep and other neutral animals are already in place.  

    Animals as relics would be a nice feature.

  12. The soldiers from Epirus proper would be largely indistinguishable from other Greek powers, such as the Macedonians, Aetolians, and Thessalians. Though, the Epirote kings did hire Gallic, Thracian, and Cretan mercenaries, and had Greco-Italic allied units during the Pyrrhic War with Rome. These would largely use the weapons and armor from their own ethnicity.

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