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zzippy last won the day on April 24 2015

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  1. Indeed, also built again with that option and it worked too. There must be something different/wrong with that ppa build environment (?) ...
  2. The new a21/trusty packages indeed do not work. Its that system mozjs38 problem. If you compile it yourself without that suggested --with-system-mozjs38 option, then its fine https://play0ad.com/download/source/
  3. If you do not want to update your os and alpha21 on 14.04 you have to build it yourself without that suggested --with-system-mozjs38 option, then it runs. https://play0ad.com/download/source/
  4. Tried with pyrogenesis? If it doesn't work, locate that binary: locate pyrogenesisand use the full path to pyrogenesis.
  5. Ain't that historically correct? Most factions in the game had armies composed from farmers. Dunno if britons eg had a professionel army at all, for sure somebody here knows more about this. For Rome it was Marius who created a professionel army, before that they gathered resources when not fighting ..
  6. Afair writing in caps wasn't the reason; you continously insulted other players ingame with verbal racism and stuff like this. Your skill, well, pure hubris, and no reason at all to unban you. The offer that your father can donate.... guess thats part of your strange humour. Just my 2 cents .... greetz, z
  7. Why care about the score at all? The only relevant thing is who pushes the resign button ... Many wars were lost despite the better eco/military score in history.
  8. I tried running "yum install libnspr4-dev" and it said the package is not found. well, apt would have asked: Did you mean libnspr4-devel ?
  9. @Itms : In a quick testmatch I observed some gatherers got stuck at the storehouse, also a single cav scout I sent around the map to explore got stuck in front of a single (!?) tree. Which logfiles are needed for you devs to sort this issue out?
  10. Playing the developer version after Itms' pathfinding branch got merged into it seems to be a good start. Afaik there a few good players willing to do so... I am a little concerned about capturing, could change current gameplay totally and will make balancing a huge task (eg should buildings be destroyable only by siege engines? And if so, will they be available earlier aso ..) Wotever, as stated, a "Call for SVN" would really help.
  11. ...those cells won't help, since you cannot destroy your building anymore after capturing started.
  12. ...besides your username is kinda tasteless, just a small correction: There was never a B-29 about Germany in WW2. Only B-19 and B-24....
  13. Set to passive or standground works fine for the scouts, no? Combined with batch walkorder on minimap, its kinda patrol. Sure a button for endless A <=> B ride would be perfect ..
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