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Everything posted by Peregriino

  1. I sending this image. This happen today, the players fastandfurious was verbally attacking anyone in lobby and in the room. In this image has racist offenses. He's brazilian like me and he told me in portuguese that have others accounts and have the same behavior. I hope something will be done.
  2. I agree with your points, but I think the first CC is very important, soon phasing is important too. I'm not saying go to Phase 2 and Expand without a good economic base, I just searching things to do both things. Your BO have a good economic base, but I think that need more speed, in this case time, but without lose your good economic base.
  3. I partly agree. It's more important have a good economy for the next Phase, but time is important too. I consider myself a player a little above average, with my old BO I can Phasing at 8 min. and build a CC in 11/12 min. The problem is I just lost with much things to do in same time, build towers, more units, where and others. More one time: I partly agree. A early CC isn't an economic advantage, in first moment, but if you made a first CC of game you have more strategic options (for exemple, conquest the center of map) or pressing the enemy lines with towers and more important with reforces for attack. - The BO was working is about this, make a CC more fast and near of my enemy, build barracks and attack, sending the reforces. As I said at another time, the player it's more than your BO. How long do you play RTS? How long do you play 0ad? I think a better BO has a good economic but has to speed. I try to found ways to get the same results of the "BO of 10 min.", but in less time.
  4. This BO is great for economy, but I think a little slow. I tested with others players, just lose one. But is a little slow, a finish Phasing 2 in 11~12 min., for a good players it's time build a CC near of you. I trying resolve this.
  5. You're right. I have greats results with skirmisher cav. in several games using the Romans. But I want try something using the best of romans: your infantary, but maybe this impossible in this moment because the units are unbalance. Yes, the Phase 3 of Romans is great. I begin this new BO a few days ago, before I tried get Phase 3 more fast and build strongholders near my enemy and use the Scorpions. The civic bonus for Romans will be 10% of armour, this show for me that Romans are a civic of conquer territory and try to put the enemy against the wall. Maybe in a future.
  6. I try use it with Romans and I need confess: is a good BO. I click to Phase 2 at 10min and finish at 11:55. But with a large stock of food and wood, perfect to build a great cavalry army. The problems with Romans is the Barracks need 100 wood and 200 stone, build Barracks in Phase 1 is a problems. Maybe the time can be corrected but I think the time stay in this base between 9~12 min. Now I want see your BO for Romans. Today I tried advance in my BO for rush with Romans. My idea is something like sword rush, but I'm very slowing and maybe I can't balance the range infantary and the sword infantary. I make 50 swordmen at 13min. build a CC near, build two barracks and attack. I sending reforces from the new CC and Barracks. Somethings works others not, but this is making me sad, I think it didn't work. Maybe Romans isn't a good faction to make rush. Maybe it's a faction to late games.
  7. I use it because the womans just need food with this you can stock wood to upgrades, barracks and others things like soldiers. When the food of colect get over you chnage the womans in woods to farm.
  8. After Phase, you change the womans in wood to farm? In this BO you don't explains it change, I do it. In first view point I tried to say I think it's necessary 10 min or more to do all this things, but if you just harass your enemy in Phase 2, it isn't a great problem. It's my opinion because I prefer get Phase 2 and expand more fast I can. Ina good day I begin Phase near at 8min. But I'm testing others ways to make it's more fast and with a good economy. But the game don't is resume a BO, it's others thing. Tau used spearmen cav.? Your BO it's based in boom festivel fertility? I try think one strategy to counter it with Romans, but I'm not able to test at moment.
  9. I use a build order similar, but I use less womans and I try make more soldiers. I make 25 womans and 20 soldiers and stock resources to Phase 2. Two view points: First, is the time, I think is much steps to do all things in less 10 min, but that's ok if want harass your oponenet with your cav, but to build CC and expand I think it's much time. Other problem is a great number of womans, I counted 50, really it isn't a great problem because is rare early attacks in a17, but if your enemy try harass or see that weak you get serious troubles. I need test for more view points, but I will try to do it using Romans.
  10. @Sanguivorant That's important discern the differents types of cavalry. That's is good for ranged/swordmen cav, but spearmen cav. isn't a good investment. @Alekusu What's your nickname in the lobby? I will coment in your topic =)
  11. I think is a better way create penalties of speed in differentes types of land. In forests the Iberians, for exemple, have a normal speed, but others civs like Romans recieve a penalty in your move speed. Other way of penalty is naturaly give by own game, because Romans can't use Testudo betwen the wood in a forest.
  12. I think the better way tou counter siege weapons are horsemans, but spearmen cav have similar problems with that.
  13. I want this strategy guid of build orders if you can send me.
  14. Just swordmen cav. The spearmen cav. are too slow rate attack to do anything. Read the Panando's coments: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19421
  15. I use the "Acropole Bay (2)" map using the Romans. Build a CC near the base enemy and make a Market. My concern is with Iron, 400 Iron make difference in a17. I count the travel like going and back? (round trip?) And how many should Merchants should do for a good production?
  16. Thanks, I read an article about in my own language, but I don't understand very well. But I want know this because, I have one Lost in my rank profile, but I don't Lost any battle. When I won my first battle rank apper this Lost, If ranked points were fixed I can prove that.
  17. I would know more about how to use it. My problem is about when it begins to have a good cost/benefit. For exemple, I tested now and for make 5 merchants cost 500F and 400 Iron. For each travel I gain 60 Iron (I put all trade in Iron). Others problem is how many merchants I has made for a good productions. If anyone could help me. Thanks.
  18. I like of this idea. I know some terms of strategy like boom, turtle, rush, but I don't know nothing more about this, just speculations. Other thing is learn what this strategys mix better with some civics.
  19. I'm creating this topic for the players discuting about the civics and analyzing the positive and negativa points. The of 0 A.D offers a description of different civics, but is not the same analysis of the player. The ideia is thinks some parameters for analisy and compare. Other thing I want to discuss is about some civics are better to early games strategics and others better for late game. Firts thing is thinks about the parameters for analisy and compare. Let's go?!
  20. I want to know about the roman civic bonus. It's implemented? Because I don't fell any difference.
  21. You use soldiers in farm? If you use womans you haven't this problem. Other way is make build of collect near, the soldier will go for it when the resources get over.
  22. New informations, maybe not so new. In video INcog used swordman cav. and I used spearmen cav. The status both are similar, but the speed difference is yelling. If I remeber the swordmen cav is 0.75 or 1 and the spearmen cav is 2.25. It's a great difference. 10 spearmen cav against 10 ranged infantary without micro, problaly the spearmen cav will win. But with micro I'm not so sure. And without hard counter, against persian's chariots if think the spearmen cav. will lost. I'm not experience like someone here, but I think will be test.
  23. After I posted here, I enter in the game and compared both units. They are similar, but the speed difference is yelling. I tryed use the spearmen cav. for rush eneymy's economy because generally in early game the players make a lot of ranged infantary, but after this I don't pretender use anymore.
  24. @iNcog I watcher your video when you post. But I just watched your battle's movs, I begin give more attention for micro after watcher this video. About the fertility boom is more complicated because this video isn't a guide. And because and don't know play with Celtics. I play with Romans and I try learn others way of expansion, adapting the good things and try think ways to counter too. In video your oponent have more units then you, but he can't use it. But I think, one way to counter this may be counter in begin when you have few units. A good sword rush perhaps is a good way to counter? Romans have a good sword man with some ranger units to counter horses and other ranged units. What do you think?
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