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Everything posted by Peregriino

  1. In your logic, hack and crush it's ok, but piercing damage? Arrows can't be destroyd wood.
  2. But now it's facily destroyed. 1 of crush damage is a shamy.
  3. Thanks, I hop it's not the end for the army camp ;(
  4. Anyone can give me the new status of army camp's roman?
  5. He's build 5 units and 1 barracks in few seconds? I wanna know about roman's changes. What's happen with army camp?
  6. How this aura work? How is functing this iberian's heroes aura?
  7. What's heroes's civ is curretly working actully?
  8. Seja bem-vinda. É brasileira ou portuguesa? O que eu puder ajudar basta falar =)
  9. Was others ships that I use. If I click to attack the enemy it's shoot basic arrows, but if I click near the ships attack auto with total force of units garrison.
  10. I play with Romans, your video help me so much. Use you 12 cav? I can't see.
  11. I don't know nothing about design and java, but I think that one romans heroes will have a aura like Leonidas of Sparta - 20% of attack. Afternoon, I tested romans ships. I garrinson my units and I attack the enemy, but my ships shoot few arrows por seconds, but when I just click my ships near the enemy it's shoot more arrows. It's a bug?
  12. It's mean: romans heroes don't have any add ou special?
  13. @Zzippy Thanks man @Sanderd17 Thanks. I have more one question about roman heroes. His aura is "TBD", what's mean it? Which differences between heroes?
  14. I can't find description of build, Can you make a screenshot? I test Leonidas, the aura working but is so weak.
  15. Hi for all! I play 0ad some time, I know how to play, but I have littles questions, others will go later, I think. First, has difference if I garrison ranged units in Tower or Fortress, for exemplo like damage and range? For exemplo if I garrison melee units in a Tower, my ranged will be less? Or champions units and citizen-soldiers? Second is about hero auras, is working? I have others, but I don't remember now.
  16. My question was more about new units, but I back to play with Romans, I love them. Thanks for the answers
  17. I read here in the forum that this faction is not complete. I wonder what is missing for complete them?
  18. I'm from Brazil. My nickname is from Falcon Peregrine, I love this animal, fast and mortal. In the game I'm not fast and mortal, but I'm practicing.
  19. Great ideia, I like it. I use against AI and it's works. I prefer wait for destroy the outpost and build a new. The time for repar is much more bigger.
  20. Good Video. You do any some difficult, rush with melee cav. I want some adviced for this. I play with Romans and this civ don't have a ranged cav for rush my enemy in early game and melee cav is weak versus spearmen if I play against a civ with spearmen. My problem is defend my resources against ranged cav rush in early game. What's do you do in this case?
  21. I read some yours article. I like very much e learn somethings. Can you link all yours articles? Ave Romulus.
  22. Yeah, I build the Temple but do'nt have any research.
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