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Everything posted by Peregriino

  1. Here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Romans_Republican#SPECIALTECHNOLOGIES talk about "Special Technologies" (Marian Reforms and Sibyline Book's), where I search them? Or it's not actived?
  2. You have any link with status of wich romans units? Damage for hack, armor and others?
  3. You use the heroes Romans? And in blacksmith wich upgrades I use for my swordman? The upgrades are better to spearmen...
  4. I newbe and play with Romans. Someone experts can give some advices?
  5. Tranquilo? Conhece algum forum e espaço para jogadores Brs do 0 a.D?
  6. Joguei 0 a.D por um tempo e parei. Estou voltando agora, gostaria de manter contato com outros jogadores brasileiros ou que falem o português para trocar experiências e marcar confrontos. Manifestem-se!
  7. I have new questions. Whichs builds attack the enemy without ranger units in them? Like Towers and Civil Center. And I want know more about differents types of attack and defense. Like Hack, Pierce...
  8. How I could see my rank, victoris and defeats?
  9. I need direction for I make my choises. I need know which possibilitys I have.
  10. I played few games against AI. I can defeat AI Medium. The most of my games are against humans. I know the move basics, like use woman and male for collect resources. My problem is with the expansion and make a strong army: Which hero I choose for example? Which upgrad I chosse for the troops? The towers shoot without rangers troops in them?
  11. Hello. I'm from Brazil (sorry for my english ;S), I love strategic games and I'm new here. My experience with RTS was with Stronghold I and Crusader. I never played AoE before. It's very hard to fight with another players. I'd like some tutorial, hints for basics or videos. I'd like play with the Romans. I can read in english, spanish or french (basic) More one time, sorry for my english.
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