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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by niektb

  1. This is a logo based on the wolf. Unfortunately it's currently used by a soccerclub. ;-)
  2. Any progress so far on the touchscreen interface?
  3. There is/was a mod about the modern era, but last thing I heard, was that they dropped pyrogenesis and were looking for something else.But definitely we should think about forest regeneration (perhaps by adding a Forrester like in the old settlers games?)
  4. You can read about it at the indiegogo page, under funding targets. After finishing pt. 1 the development team will start pt. 2, but I can tell you that that will take quite some time.
  5. I made some screenshots to make my point clear. I added my 2 heigtmaps (the normal one and the one with higher contrast without losing information) and I included 2 screenshots from the Atlas + a blank map. The result of setting the contrast a little too high is a flat topped mountain and the loss of details in the heightmap.
  6. In world machine you can set the output to png. I'm not sure whether increasing contrast will work or not.
  7. Hi everyone, Lately I tried creating maps in Atlas, but I encountered some limitations: I created a heightmap in world machine but when I imported it, not changed. It turned out to be that something was changing but was barely visible. What I like to see are some sliders in which you can adjust the strength from the heightmap. Also it would be nice to import terrain textures (Or actually not the textures, but just the painting) and then replace them in Atlas with whatever texture you like. When I created elevation myself, the next problem occurred, It is not possible to select a slope to paint on, for example I wanted to paint some cliffs, but of course I do not want the cliffs' texture on flatlands. Any comments or should I create several tickets? Regards, Niek P.S. If needed, I'm able to upload some screenshots.
  8. In the wiki the supported phones are from the galaxy series but are Qualcomm-based devices expected to work as well (like mine: Huawei Ascend G525)?
  9. It would be best to resize all the textures to 64x64 to use less vram, and thus preserving RAM. (It would be nice to implement that in the game itself, eg. resizing the textures before loading the map, instead of resizing them manually) Also I think we should simplify the menu's (without backgroundanimations, just a wallpaper.) Would it be an idea to create a map, using custom, ultra light, textures and without water etc. so, just a very basic map?
  10. Well, actually none exists. That was the problem for me too. I think you could better analyse some simple AI's (like Testbot, though he is a little outdated, you could also turn to the more advanced qBot), adjust them, implement new stuff and then create one of your one.
  11. Is SAP handled by the CPU / or the GPU? Ik have read an article about handling SAP with the GPU with good results: http://graphics.ewha.ac.kr/gSaP/
  12. Too bad the optimization didn't give any noticeable results, but still at least we have knowledge of the problems in the RangeManager.
  13. Well, i didn't edit the material files, only changed the textures. (Though I did change the .cfg file as you posted above. I knew beforehand the there was indeed to much black, but it was just about the idea.
  14. I've finished my first change to the roman textures. All buildings using the struct_2.png are now changed (like dock / barracks). Any feedback? I've added some moss as well as a weathering effect to the diffuse and increased the quality of the normal and specular. Before: Note: This is a WIP screenshot, moss is already applied. After:
  15. Okay, and is It possible to edit the textures of one building only?
  16. Hi everyone, To get myself started I edited an existing texture and created specular and normal map along the process. My question is: how do you apply the normal + specular? My results are attached. The model is: rome_hc.dae
  17. If we're gonna switch from JS to another language, then Python is surely a great option, because its fast, you don't have to compile it and it works well with C++.
  18. Perhaps, (not sure if its an option) we could temporarely disable saving with multiplayergames. (Till the AI is working properly with save games.
  19. When I'm trying to run my own AI, I get the following error at startup: WARNING: JavaScript warning: Script value conversion check failed: JSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN(v) (got type undefined) Does anyone know a way to solve this?
  20. Indeed AOE2 had fishing traps, but I actually never used it, because there were far more other ways to get food without paying wood. Fishing traps doesn't add to the game, I think.
  21. To reply on displaying of gather counts: it is really a must. You can see it in action in aoe3 and it really works. Every time I play an other RTS I really mis this feature.
  22. Just a question, but how do you know at which point the resource at the curve is? If you want to let the player know, you could perhaps add a graph to the game UI.
  23. @gameboy: Where did you get the errorlog?
  24. Hi guys, I've just returned from my holiday and I've got a bunch of idea's for my upcoming AI. I decided to name it Brennus, derivated from the Galic leader who attacked Rome and almost conquered it. It relies heavily on scouting, so scouting is the key. Futhermore I'm going to make a dynamic strategic-tree. Using the information from the scouts, it detects key information about strength, troop types and so on, and then the AI determines (using the tree) the best way to behave. I decided to use APIv2 at startup, and later on I'll upgrade. (as soon as v3 is really, really stable) Roadmap: - Startup: First I want an AI that works in every aspect of the game. This one won't be released.- Scouting programming First the basic scouting routine. Second the ability to detect information about the enemy.- Tree design startup I start with some simple decisions and then work to advanced strategic battle-level.- Micromanagment After I've set up a simple AI, I'm going to implement all buildable / trainable stuff, getting a defence set up and some extra tree-decisions concerning balance of units.- Advanced functionality When all this works, I'm going to implement advanced functionality like all civs, more than 2 players, naval support and (vs human) psychological warfare based on Sun Tzu's Art of War.- Bugfixing. Note: This list is of course subject to changes. I would love to get some tips / suggestions / something else. If someone wants to coöperate just PM me. (I could use some help to finish it before alpha ∞. ) Greets, Niek
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