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Could you allow the "bridges" to be build over land gaps, like large gullies or small canyons, as long as they did not exceed the same distance limitations as for spanning rivers? The thread "Enlarge maximum map height" is discussing increasing the verticle map height by a factor of 8 that would increase the height from the current max of 89.5 m to a max of 712 m. If implemented, this would allow for a lot of interesting terrain features that could benefit from being able to build bridges over dry land "gaps". Bob
I am excited about this change. It will allow for much more interesting maps. As you increase the usable height, will you also be able to have rivers with more drop; faster flowing; rapids; waterfalls? Good work! Thanks. Bob
Some thoughts - On capturing buildings: Presently, I can use my building for production, even if it is damaged. I built it. I know it. I can still use it even if damaged. However, if I capture a building, it is a strange building and it will take time to figure out how to use, especially if damaged. Even if I could capture it undamaged, it will still take some time to get working. Therefore, I should not be able to use a captured building until I have fully repaired it. If I don't have the capability to repair it, I should not have the capability to make it be productive. On capturing or converting military units: Taking prisoners drags down an army. It is more effective to kill all enemies than to take them prisoners. Even if you take them prisoners, you cannot realisticly convert them quickly to your side - especially if they are of a different civ with different language, culture, etc. It would take a long time to covert them and be able to trust them. Even transporting prisoners back to your terr will be slow and vulnerable. I can't even manage battle formations let alone think about tryiing to manage military units guarding and transporting captured units at the same time you still have to continue your initial battle. I have no idea how you would micro manage all that. The most advantageous time to capture units is when they are raiding your territory. Then you have an opportunity to outnumber some of them, capture them, and convert them. I'm not sure how it would be effective to raid an enemy for purposes of capturing units. I think I'd rather just kill my enemy units and train my own. Less complications and very likely less cost. Bob
Before I saw niektb's table, I did some focus testing and came up with basically the same numbers as in niektb's table. The citizen soldier without a female close by gathers 7% than a female. With a female close by the soldier gathers 10% faster. Overall, a citizen soldier with a female close by gathers 17.9% faster than a female. My testing was in the Roman civ and I noticed that not only did the citizen soldiers gather wood, stone, and metal faster than the female, the skirmisher walked faster (11.5 vs. 9.5 for female and swordsman) and therefore delivered (produced) the resources faster. The farther the distance, the greater the production rate of a skirmisher over a female. More tradeoffs and nothing is simple. Where does the advantage of only a food cost for a female lose out to the increased productivity for a ranged citizen soldier who can also garrison in the CC and defend against early attacks. My investigations also showed that the CC garrisoned with 20 ranged soldiers has the same firepower (23 arrows / 2 seconds) as a fortress garrisoned with the same 20 ranged soldiers. I struggle with deciding where and how to best utilize food and wood. Another point I noticed from niektb's table is the high food productivity of cavalry. I need to consider that in my startup.
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I also agree that it is unnecessary to clutter the UI with additonal icons when the problem is only a learning curve issue. Very quickly you figure out what buildings are in each phase. If you need to, hovering tells you. Also, the buildings in the future phases are grayed out, so you can ignore them untill you get to the next phase. However, it would help to know how many buildings you still need. Just like the tool tip tells you how many more resources are needed to get to the next phase, why can't we tell the same thing about buildings - how many more do I need?
The two main reasons to use corrals to gather sheep as food is it takes less population than field workers and, at this time, it is easier to renew the sheep than it is the fields. My test showed 1 cavalry using two corrals equals 4.78 females working two fields. Both benefit fighting in that for the same amount of food produced you have more population left to fight with and you have more time to devote to fighting. Or for the same population counts you can produce a lot food to use for trade if you run short on the other resources.
While playing Zagros Mountains as the Persion faction I cannot find how to build a Parihuvādā - Persian Special Building. The map starts with a Parihuvādā - Persian Special Building next to the Civ Center but I cannot find a way to build another instance. If the building gets destroyed I have no way to rebuild it. After looking thru the unit .xml files it seemed to me that the Persian Special Building was just not included in the Builder list for the Median Shieldbearer and the Sogdian Archer. Builder> <Entities datatype="tokens"> structures/pers_stables structures/pers_apadana </Entities> </Builder> I am new to 0 A.D. and this is my first bug report. Hope I don't sound like I'm trying to tell you how to do the fix because I'm not and I don't even know that I'm on the right track. Let me know if you need more information. Thanks Bob
I am very happy with the current configuration for the cavalry because I use corrals to generate food and free up population for other use. This is one of the few advantages I have over the AI who consistently out produce me on wood, stone, and metal. While I am slowly getting my economy going and working on defenses to protect me from early assualts, the AIs are often out gathering stone and metal from the neutral areas. The corral and cavalry have to have a definite advantage over the field and females otherwise I don't see any need for the corral.
Based on reading this topic I see the following: The game has a slow start/economy setup followed by a quick military action (followed by a tedious search for the last survivor); We need to support different players styles and objectives (professional/competitive players down to recreational/slow/methodical/defensive/new players; We need to work on various ways of balancing and adjusting game play; In addition, I feel that although the game is designed and built to authentic cultural standards, those standards don't translate into battles. I don't know if I'm fighting range or melee troops; rookies, elite, champions, and/or heroes. Even if I knew I don't easily know how to best oppose them. Even if I knew the type of troops I could not distinguish them as they approach. So I gather as many troops as I have and generate as many other troops based on what I can afford and throw them at the enemy. If I lose I retreat with any remaining troops to hide behind defense towers, fortresses, walls, civ centers or any other buildings that can garrison troops. To generally speed up the economy phase you can adjust gather rates, gather times, gather amounts (may be part of the gather rates), walk speeds, citizen train times, citizen health, build times and building health. To slow down war time increase walk speeds, troop train times, troop build times, and decrease troop health, troop hit points, and troop building health, troop building hit points. After n troop kills further adjust troop values and after m troop building destroyed further adjust troop building values. These reflect it is more difficult to replace war items and to provide appropriate training. These adjustments will slow down the battles and slow down troop and building replacements. It will also make the player less likely to engage in risky battles. As a further constrain on battles require feeding each troop 1 unit of food every x minutes. This will reduce the troop counts according to the number of citizens required to continue generating food. My wars are battles of attrition that have nothing to do with faction formations. And even if I knew all the troop types and capabilities I could not properly control my troops during battle. I can not even control my troops during movement to get positioned or even control the priority of targets. Most of the time they prefer to kill women vs. combatants - especially the defense towers. So I cannot simulate anything like historical faction battles. Counters or Countered by are worthless. As an interim solution until we get walk, run. and/or charge values that we change the walk values of mounted troops to exceed those of walking units. Mounted troops should always be able to eventually catch and engage unmounted units. They may not win but they can force a fight.
In this page from the Wiki http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Manual_Units Female Gather Rates: food.fish:1, food.fruit:2, food.grain:1, food.meat:1, wood.tree:0.75, wood.ruins:5, stone.rock:0.75, stone.ruins:5, metal.ore:0.75 Infantry Gather Rates: food.fish:0.375, food.fruit:0.375, food.grain:0.375, food.meat:1.5, wood.tree:0.75, wood.ruins:7.5, stone.rock:0.75, stone.ruins:7.5, metal.ore:0.75 Cavalry Gather Rates: food.meat:7.5 Don't know how current this is.
I find this aggravating. I move all the units away and then select a smaller number to move back.
I find that building Defense Towers is a quick and cheap way to get the 4 Town buildings. The towers are often needed anyway. Also, a temple is a simple and useful building.
IMO we should not have play actions too automatic or easy. I don't think frood gathering was easy in the 0 A.D. time frame. I use corrals to generate lots of sheep without a lot of effort. I place 10 to 15 corrals along with 1 or 2 farmsteads inside a wooden fence then move in 10 to 15 cavalry. I place all the corrals as group 0. I train sheep 1 at a time for the first 5 trainings, then 5 at a time till the production queue is full. The single sheep gets the cavalry started and busy until there is enough sheep to keep from running out while the first 5 unit groups is trained. Balnce the number of cavalry units to just barely keep up without running out of sheep. The key is to point each cavalry to a sheep at the beginning and then as long as the sheep don't run out your don't have to do any work except to keep the corral production queues full. I can leave the corrals while I play other parts of the game and then just select group 0 to check on the status of the production queue. I add more 5 units groups until the production queue is full and then go back to the game. The benefit is only using 10 to 15 population vs. many more femals then that to farm the fields. Plus using the corral select group is much quicker to keep going than placing individual fields as each is consumed. The downside is the time to set up the corrals inside a wood fence, but that is only a one time effort. My suggestion is to make the farm fields persistent so you only have to select them to regenerate them with out having to place them each time. Then you could select all the fields and assign as a group so you can easily renew them.