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Everything posted by sanderd17

  1. Currently, the viking boat is indeed the size of a quinquireme. While Wikipedia suggests that a quinquireme would have been around 45m long, and a viking longship only around 20m long.
  2. The game has a tick every turn, currently, that's every 200ms (though it may become shorter in the future), when there's lag, the turns become longer. Every simulation change can only happen on a turn (some components listen to a turn tick, execute some action, and notify other components if necessary). Between the turns, there's also graphical interpolation, to make the image smoother. Everything that happens between turns isn't synced in any way between different players. F.e. player commands in a network game need to wait until the next turn to be executed. The UnitMotion and Pathfinder only really care about simulation. Every turn, the UnitMotion component brings the Position a bit closer to the next waypoint given by the Pathfinder. That's what happens in the move command. The dt argument is the length of the turn, so the UnitMotion component can know how far it can move. The Position component does care about graphics, so with a MoveTo command, only the next position is set, and every frame is interpolated towards that new position. The move command are actually given by the scripted UnitAI. That's quite a big piece of game logic that decides stuff like detecting enemies to approach and fight, finding a new tree when the previous is cut down, walking in formation... The move command are given directly to UnitMotion. About the components, you are about right. Every entity is defined by an xml template, that denotes the entity has an instance of certain components, with certain settings (like the move speed in UnitMotion). There are a few special entities (like the SYSTEM_ENTITY and player entities), but most components are used on regular entities. The components are referred to with an ID on the scripted side (like IID_UnitMotion). It's also possible to have separate implementations for the same interface, and refer to them with the same I'd. Like the scripted component UnitMotionFlying is accessible under the IID_UnitMotion, so UnitAI sees no difference, and you can command planes like any other unit.
  3. Sure, doesn't even need any code. It can work the same as the min distance between CCs, towers, fortresses...
  4. Those stats used to be in the unit creation tooltip, but they were removed because the plan was to have some encyclopedia (often, the only way to push devs into doing something is by enervating them). Now, you still can see the stats, but only when the unit is created. When you select a single unit, you can hoover some parts of the center pane, and get info about bonuses, attack and armour stats ...
  5. No, just that you can't place towers without middle section (or if you destroy all connected middle sections, the towers are taken down too). Btw, alpha123, I have some code ready to query the wall pieces connected to a tower, or the towers connected to a wall piece. It's not on trac, as it's ugly. But you could use it to get some hints.
  6. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/14614 You were offline from IRC, so I committed it. No idea You also found the fix.
  7. Yves, IMO, the game gets really irritating when there are lag pikes. So more frequent, but shorter GCs are more welcome than a few time-taking GCs. Even if the total time for GC is longer if you distribute it. But that aside, the memory usage after the spidermonkey upgrade is indeed strange. Maybe they changed pointers to 64 bit or something?
  8. With few games taking longer than 1 hour, I think it's really worth the programming and art effort to achieve this
  9. Yes, only the hashed password is used for authentication (because there are a lot of users that use the same password for multiple purposes, we didn't want to endanger their password by putting it in plain text on the HDD, so it's always hashed). Currently, there's no way to reset your password other than contacting a lobby dev (Josh, scythetwirler or leper). Also, the accounts aren't set in stone yet. As it's the first release of the lobby, it's quite possible that the accounts will have to be deleted or reset at some point.
  10. Regenerating resoureces aren't included because they interrupted gameplay a bit. They caused too much micro, and either made those resources too beneficial, or the regeneration had to be so slow it didn't have any affect at all. Also fish aren't regenerating AFAIK. The cultivating of any food source is represented by the farm field. It's planned that different factions will have different looks for their farm field, but the general purpose should be the same for all factions. We're still experimenting a bit with the looks of the farm fields. Also, this isn't a city-builder game. It's nice if a game looks good, but it isn't a must that after a battle, the map still looks nice. Decorative elements will make the game UI more complicated, and serve no purpose in the gameplay (at least not for this type of game). But it will always be possible to mod the game, and make a city-builder mod. Were economy is far more important than fighting.
  11. The height of units is controlled by cmpPosition. Basically, UnitMotion changes the 2D coordinates of an entity, and then registers it in the Position component. When you then query the 3D position of the unit, the height is automatically calculated from information s.a the height offset, the terrain height and the water plain height. This position it's then used to render the entity. In the scripts, there is a UnitMotionFlying component that allows planes to change height. Though that component is used without pathfinder, and it's just a test.
  12. It depends on the map. Most maps do have those walls. The default map doesn't have those walls though. I think they weren't added because there are lots of mountains around that can be used as defensive structure. Other maps will sometimes have walls, that aren't closed. You'll notice that the island maps also don't have walls (because there's no place for that). EDIT: also, the skirmish maps are a new map type. Adding those walls costs a bit of extra work, so sometimes they're just not added to save work. They're more common on random and scenario maps.
  13. Also, eyecandy stuff is made to be placed in the scenario editor. So it's nice if there are many small eyecandy pieces, so the scenario designer can choose the placement of those things. Else you get too many repetition over the different maps. I don't know if you mean this as a single eyecandy object, but IMO, it would be better to split it up in a few.
  14. I think it's a bit too soft for a wolf attack. I think wolf attacks are very similar to dog attacks (or war dogs aren't animated either though). Normally, a dog-human attack starts with the dog jumping up on his hind legs, trying to grab an arm, and then trying to tear the human down (using his weight, and trying to get down on his front legs again). You can let the wolf move a bit, as long as he starts and ends on the same position, it will look good enough.
  15. What did you change? If you create a diff, it's a lot easier for us to see your modifications.
  16. Aren't these statutes really big? I think they can use some more polies in that case. The general shape is very nice though.
  17. Nothing really related as far as we saw. But anyone can take a look.
  18. You can walk over the farm obstruction, but the resource gather code picks the best gather location, which is right at the edge of the obstruction. Going any further isn't economical.
  19. The boar hasn't been touched in an eternity, that's what makes the problem really weird.
  20. I think you both mean the obstruction size. Increasing that would work, but currently, workers only walk to the obstruction size of the resource (which is nice for all other resources), so enlarging the obstruction size without enlarging the model might make it look silly (the units would never come actually on the field they're working on). We could enlarge the obstruction size together with the decal tough. If the obstruction size is the size of the plants, the units would walk right to the plants, while standing on the farm ground. Overlapping decals would still be possible (so you get a nice uniform underground), but overlapping plants wouldn't be possible.
  21. I've also had this issue, after cleaning the cache (as wraitii knows), but somehow, it got cached again. Now I don't see any errors, but the boar is folded like some piece of abstract art.
  22. Two threads about dogs in two days is a bit much. The threads are merged.
  23. The animations should start from the default stand pose, and end with it. But apart from that, it may be quite simple. How long it should be, depends on your feeling. We can easily stretch or shorten an animation (though that also stretches and shortens the first part of the animation). For how animations work: animals (and other units) have different states (roam, feed/idle, attack, flee, ...) for each state, we can define a different set of animations, and play a sound (currently a single sound, but looping sounds should also be possible in the future. So we can play a sound when we switch to attack mode, but we can's play a sound when we switch between two idle variations f.e. As not all idle animations are expected to have the same sound (you can't play the howling sound when the wolf is sleeping), we can't play any sounds. All the other animations will work. They're all states. The attack animation are a bit more difficult, as the engine expects that the attack happens while standing still. So the animation needs to return to its original position. You can take a look at the tiger animation thread, I believe the wolf animation could be a bit the same (if the wolf has the same bones, you don't even need to make an animation for it, the animation can be reused).
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