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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. aaa gotta go to work but heres what i got
  2. Lol I had those planned next. That huge pichavaram forest is neat. Also good for bayou
  3. India really doesnt look right without it's banyan trees
  4. I find both these extreme posts and the very concept of shadowbans abhorrent. If these bans are included in moderator arsenals they should not be used lightly.
  5. I think there needs to be a solution to disappearing trees first, vast swathes of forest just disappearing when used up are going to look incredibly silly to clarify i do like the groves idea, perhaps not so rigid though
  6. I'm talking about things i can do under my own current scope, and that's constricted sticking auras on floral entities atm
  7. Can't say it provides much of an advantage, but I'm patrolling 100 fast units reasonably comfortably through a large deep forest map with all my modelling programs open
  8. gave it a little resize and edited the texture a bit
  9. Don't know yet, I don't have a working prototype, but my workaround if that becomes an issue would be to have few types of trees or bushes that would give an aura buff, more easily recognizable in gameplay and less of a performance problem. They could be mixed with benign flora if its a serious issue
  10. In the interest of making environments a lot more engaging, I would like to propose giving certain trees and shrubs auras, slowdown, armor, damage and the like. Low thorny acacias and other brambly shrubs can be given both an HP drain and a slowdown aura, which makes clearing or avoidance a priority and tactically noteworthy. Wide trees can give a small bonus pierce armor to the edge of their canopy, thick reeds can slow troops as well. Thoughts?
  11. ay that can work for the smallest ones. It'd be good to have a few sprawling ones too so we can get a full range of flora here's to get a bit of perspective on how textures behave in the engine, and what normal edit does to bushes lol
  12. 468-524 clumps 108-148 singles
  13. alright that's enough for one day
  14. Another demonstration of the power of Atlas Bayou!
  15. yo @Sundiata we need low thorny acacia bushes from the looks of things, u game?
  16. its a mix between auto smooth and an applied normal edit modifier, I thought that was for reorienting normals on messy canopies, but lo and behold ah crap now i need to fix all the other trees
  17. They're not quite done but I'll commit what i have. I'd like a full age range for the trees just in case code supports growth, also for more gradual forestation
  18. >:CC Yeah I would say if at all, be extremely conservative about how many polys go underneath, as long as you can reasonably cover the canopy. not waste more than say 64 tris? I know some of my new ones are a bit excessive. Still havent outshone the cretan date or tropical palms though so thats a plus lol
  19. That's how you get all the trees to look the same, poly structure needs to follow the branch structure. Only one side of these 45 degree branches are going to be facing the camera, the others will look horribly stretched, since they will be facing edgewise towards the camera. Curved branch structures have fewer harsh edges and breaks, and will complement the rotation of the camera rather than cut against it. There is plenty of trial and error in this process, if we could have unique trees and keep to the simplicity of 45 degree foliage we'd have done so
  20. Whew imagine if it were this simple, that would be lovely I think you got such good results here because the tree's actual growth patterns do complement that branch structure, here they have more of a droop down which leaves some flattening around the crown. My textures a bit on the opaque side so the consequence of flat geometry is a bit more extreme than with my previous evergreens, and also makes those upward angles look horrific lol definitely more work to be done, but it's a start
  21. what a surprise deciduous trees are even more difficult. I'll get the hang of it eventually
  22. alright imma stop with the cedaring They're in
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