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Posts posted by GunChleoc

  1. Regarding the name for the fishing boat, the modern derivatives of "longos" mean "ship" both in Welsh and Goidelic, so that word might be more fitting to a bigger, military vessel?

    Modern Gaelic for a fishing boat would be "eathar", Welsh is cwch pysgota - cwch would be the descendant of the curoca. "pysg" is the "fish" bit in the second word. Maybe your Gallic dictionary has something along those lines in it?

    Insular Celtic also has bát and Welsh has bad for boat.

  2. On 8/28/2018 at 12:27 PM, Thorfinn the Shallow Minded said:

    Actually Irish Gaelic is not categorised with Welsh in the same Celtic linguistic group.  It is usually grouped more with languages such as Mannish, and Scots Gaelic as P-Celtic (If I am not mistaken.) while Welsh is placed alongside languages such as Cornish, Cumbric, and Breton.  It's a pretty minuscule point, but a point nonetheless. 

    You are mistaken with the categorization as P-Celtic. Irish, Scottish and Manx Gaelic are Goidelic languages and as such Q-Celtic. Welsh, Cornish and Breton are Brythonic/p-Celtic. As an example, "5" is "còig" in Goidelic and "pemp" in Brythonic. Both Goidelic and Brythonic are insular Celtic, which is a different branch from Gallic. I don't know much else about Gallic though.

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  3. The Basque language is a lot older than the 19th century... so maybe the 19th century is when some form of standardization happened, which is not uncommon for European languages. So, that the modern language has been standardized is not a valid argument - so has Catalan, and this argument would equally disqualify it as a choice.


    Of course, the language to be used would have to be a historical version of Basque, rather than the modern one. The same would go for Catalan - which would then have to be something very close to Latin... prior to be taken over by the Romans, people would not have spoken a Latin dialect at all.

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  4. On 6/21/2018 at 1:09 PM, Samulis said:

    How about this-

    death_horse1_1_3.ogg   //if there are multiple types of horses
    death_horse_1_3.ogg    //if there is only one type of horse

    I think you should stick to the first naming convention in all cases - somebody might come along in the future and add a second variant, and then you'd have to rename death_horse_1_3.ogg to death_horse1_1_3.

    We should also consider death_horse_1_1_3.ogg as a convention - it adds 1 more character to the filename, but I think the number would be easier to see.

    Great to see somebody working on sounds! :)

    • Like 2
  5. I have searched Transifex for [, and these are the current uses for tags:

    1. Whole manual segments that have a font tag at the beginning only, and no closing tag
    2. Some in-line headers that are separated by dashes in the manual
    3. Warnings in map descriptions
    4. Icons on the splash screen

    Maybe this can be resolved by parsing [font, [color and [img rather than just [? I any case, I think the tags should be removed from entries like:

     [font="sans-bold-16"]Graphics settings 


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  6. Well, I consider tags to be code, because they can break things - so, they should only be there if they are really needed. Do we really need to let translators change the font size and things like that in 0 AD?


    The main problem, that we can't check translations before the translator submit, other solutions are workarounds. 


    Agreed, this has to be checked at runtime.

  7. \[ isn't something commonly checked for, so we can't use existing tools - a least not was far as I am aware of.

    The way we handle this in Widelands is that we send all strings through a "richtext-escape" function that will replace those elements that would cause crashes with appropriate entities.

    Since you are using square brackets for font instructions in translatable text, you'll need to write some regex to automatically replace these. The superior solution would be to redesign the strings in such a way that all code is removed from the translatable strings, then you wouldn't need to escape [ in the source strings at all and could handle it by a simple string replace.

    Handing code to translators is always fragile and should be restricted to placeholders, which translators are used to, and which can also be checked by tools.

  8. The tutorial texts were split up to have less of a wall of text for translations. This now has he side effect of blank spaces missing between the sentences.

    Hard-coding a blank space here would also be problematic, because some languages like Chinese don't use them.

    So, I recommend having a function "join_sentences" that contains a translatable string pgettext("sentence separator", "%1 %2"), like this.

  9. I am getting some text/image overflow in the civilization help.

    My screen resolution is 1366 x 768.

    The text overflow happens only with Kush, because the text is the longest. Keep in mind that the text will be even longer with translations.


    Also, the units don't fit for all civilizations - see Persians in the screenshot. Maybe we could have a bottom scrollbar here?


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  10. I just gave the latest release candidate a whirl, and there were quite a number of untranslated strings in it. I did spot checks on Transifex, and the strings are not there. I took screenshots. I'll split this into several posts in order not to have too many images in one post.

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