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Everything posted by Aldaron

  1. I meant which one ppl like besides theirs And thx btw...
  2. Post ur opinion! Ph4ntom and Cheezy have cool ones IMO...!
  3. Is it always that much grass around the place or is it just the r4c00ns?
  4. Softguns more dangerous? Hehe oh no... Paintball bullets r driven by CO2 I think... (Tho u get softguns which has CO2 tanks too) I've heard some serious accidents with paintball too..
  5. I watched little TV... Smallville and Macgyver But then my parents took my tv! *sniff*
  6. Lol Amy! So these fella's visit u every year Cheezy?
  7. Not me... I'm gonna visit a friend...
  8. ur postcount is 1234 Curu! Now back on topic I think....
  9. What film were u watching Curu? Oh, and go Sweden!
  10. I c... Doesn't surprise me. It's 18 + here...
  11. Looks like a real gun cept it's just small plastic bullets... Picture? No use, it usually is a excact copy. Sometimes the tip is painted red tho...
  12. Have a nice vacation Desmond... We'll miss ya...
  13. Ok I'll translate the posts: ''Så? Tok meg laaang tid'' = So? Took me a loong time to make it. ''Hehe'' = Hehe ''Var ganske forvirrende å se på!'' = Was pretty confusing! ''Overser den :D'' = I ignore it! [Var ganske forvirrende å se på = Was pretty confusing!] ''Skal jeg gjøre den større så du ser bedre !!?'' = Shall I make it bigge so u c it better? ''nei, for guds skyld!!! ikke større!!!'' = No, for gods sake, not bigger!!! ''lol, en på alle votene'' = lol, one on all the votes. Bahh... That's enough... I have better things to do!
  14. Do u have a air-softgun, if how many? :drug: Post pics and we'll vote for the best/coolest!
  15. How'd it go ZeZar? U say u talk so much so I presume it went ok or pretty well!
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