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zoot last won the day on July 28 2013

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  1. Mind your own business, little man. I wasn't talking to you. The concern is completely valid and just an extension of wraitii's point that "AI's might manage" to do the optimization. The relevant people are completely capable of evaluating whether or or not that makes "precious little difference" without your silly posturing.
  2. The sigmoid approach seems ripe for exploitation: 1. Get the game's source code (it's freely available). 2. Hack the game a little to make it optimize resource collection automatically while you do other things. 3. ??? 4. Get a much/vastly better resource collection rate than someone not using this exploit.
  3. Isn't that what control groups are for?
  4. Nice work. Are you able to record acoustic tracks? I believe all the tracks in the game are acoustic only.
  5. Ah, you want to illuminate the surroundings of the fire. Yeah, I have no idea how to pull that off with the current system
  6. I see. And you want some fires to be non-self-illumimated? And adding an additional UV island for that is probably a nuisance?
  7. Hmm. Afraid I don't understand UVs well enough to comment on that. Maybe wraitii can chime in if he knows some way around it.
  8. No, it's seperate from AO, as far as I understand. It uses the 'specTex' map, but you need to use a material that defines "USE_SELF_LIGHT", as described in the comments here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/MaterialFormat
  9. As far as I remember, 'self-illumination' or 'glow' was implemented. Was that what you tried or is that not the desired effect?
  10. Download the source code and begin working: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStarted Looking forward to your patch.
  11. This. Glad I'm not the only one who is dismayed to see tiling ruining the nice effect here
  12. We don't need a delta to determine how big a fraction of each frame is spent in a given API. If profilers show that 0.0001% of the time is spent in a "backwards compatible" API, while 20% of the time is spent in the pathfinder, then the pathfinder is surely a more worthwhile optimization target.
  13. There is nothing to suggest that this is the case. We can relatively easily "predict if a new api/standard will enhance or decrease performance" by using profilers, and seeing where computation time is actually spent, rather than just guessing. The developer in your example could have done the same.
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