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Everything posted by Enrique

  1. Toggling between "relax" and "ready" idles/walk/run cycles when enemies are nearby or on sight is a feature in my wish list. So ideally they would get in combat position by themselves. I think this would make units look more alive and realistic. If this feature cannot be implemented, I hope at least to be able to use it when the units are tasked to attack or like you mentioned when a defensive stance is used. I agree with your critique on the walk cycle. Also the plan is to have different walk cycles depending on the equipement of the unit, specially the "walk/run ready" cycles
  2. I stream on Twitch, I made some streamings for 0AD some months ago when doing trees and a bit of animations. Here is the rough list of animations that I think must be present in the game:
  3. Just wanted to post and update and let you know that this task is not dead. The new units are currently in the training camp learning some cool moves. Can't post every single animation done since the gifs would take forever to load but I made some so you can take a peek of what we have in stock. Javelin attack: Archer attack: Walk cycle relax: Walk cycle ready: When I have some time I'll be streaming the process of the creation of animations for these new meshes if someone is interested, although it's much more boring than a modelling or sculpting session. I hope you like them. You can also check Jos3BV work on female animations in this thread:
  4. Hey, @Leyto awesome work on the texturing!! I have to ask where the source file for the texture came from, for license purposes... (we want to avoid legal issues with the stuff we add to the game)
  5. Some drawbacks I can think off: -More triangles, it would need to have triangles facing down, so when the tree falls, the leaves and branches are still visible -Some animations may look weird, specially trees that have a trunk composed by 3 parts for example, and all of them will be cut and fall the same time as the same "block" (the bone moving the top part) -Harder selection box? -Clipping units through leaves and hiding them? (I guess this is minor since the silhouettes whould be there) If this is a desired feature it would be nice to know it asap, and of course, it will need every single tree in the game to be redone.
  6. By the way, the Lombardy Poplar tree species that are already ingame could benefit from a rework greatly. If anyone is interested, it's a good place to start. It's a nice tree for sapling addon modelling.
  7. Here are more olive trees variations maintaining the three designs by Stan. Also other tree species, with all their unique variations (not counting leaf texture variations). There are also some firs and dead trees under construction that are being prepared for a big flora commit.
  8. I'll start streaming some olive trees variations now. Enjoy!
  9. Streaming soon, making two more oak trees variations to have 6. I do not work today as you can see Enjoy!
  10. Will stream some more tree modelling and probably fox animation in 15 minutes. Enjoy
  11. Streaming in a few minutes. I'll be doing some more oaks and pine variations and maybe some fox animation. I'll do it mainly to familiarize myself with twitch options and get feedback how things look. Enjoy! www.twitch.tv/exmanko
  12. I guess there's an option for that in twitch. Not 100% sure though, I've never used it before, I'll try to do some tests tomorrow before a session
  13. I thought it could be interesting to stream in twitch.tv while I'm doing Art stuff for the game. Since art dev is open, I couldn't think anything as open as that As I'll be working on art stuff, streaming does not take extra effort, so if anyone's interested I'll be streaming here: www.twitch.tv/exmanko I'll be announcing here when there will be streaming sessions and the topic of them. The hours of the streams will be dictated by my work schedule though. If people gets interested we could schedule live tutorials on how to add assets for 0AD, ao baking, actor creation etc. Recorded streams: https://www.twitch.tv/exmanko/videos/all
  14. @Wraitii -The dead branches is the one I made, the leaves texture was already ingame. They're at the bottom of this post. New aleppo pines and new oaks! tree_dead_branches.png.e08a0b1435b1db6f.dds tree_euro_beech_a.dds.8180d2db7078b70b.dds
  15. How can I post the cached version? Aleppo pine tree upgrade comparison:
  16. Actually alpha blending (in blender) is quite similar (I don't know the specifics of alpha blending stuff in detail) but I think it has something to do with the DXT compression used with the "old" textures already in the game? Not sure at all, and I don't even know how to save the textures using those different types of compression either. Details and explanation is found here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/TextureFormat
  17. Indeed, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but my leaves texture with alpha transparency do not look as sharp as the branches textures already ingame These are the acacias with a branch texture from the game, plus a new dead tree done with the tutorial technique:
  18. Yeah, the concept looks solid My best suggestion would be to make playercolor more noticeable, the shield works, but the square in top of the door is not going to be visible from camera pov. Make sure to use another shield in the other part of the structure at least so no matter which way you are looking at the building, you can always see who owns it.
  19. While I understand your point of view, the nature of an open source project entails the disposal of old assets/works in favor of new/improved ones everywhere within the project. Specially for projects that have been so long in development. Not only in art with models/textures, but also in the code area (see old pathfinder vs new, aegis ai vs petra ai, etc) There are also different reasons that hurt more than others, i.e. the disposal of the hanging gardens wonder in favor of the gate of all nations because it's more historically accurate and suited for the timeframe of the game, versus the reasons of better topology for animation that this particular case case is based on. When I added the bear to the tasks that had to be done (or redone in this case) was mainly because of the poor topology the current mesh has and I could see problems arising with the animation phase due to its topology. Stan's mesh is an improvement from the old mesh in the form of the head and texture, but the topology problems remains since it's so heavily based on the old mesh. Here's the mesh comparision: I hope you understand that replacing old work with new/improved stuff is not a matter of annoying/disrespect to the author, but for the improvement of the project itself.
  20. Probably this one didn't need a running anim, but since I got so familiar with quadrapeds running I made it anyway.
  21. Foxes tend to lower their head when walking. This is a nice dog-diferentiating trait that I observed which it also correlates with their shy nature. I also didn't want to use dog references, and tried to give its own personality. reference 1 reference 2 reference 3 reference 4 Also just check for "fox walking" in google images to see this behaviour clearly. It's with blender's background options in the world tab.
  22. walk cycle WIP http://gifmaker.cc/PlayGIFAnimation.php?folder=2015111714MnO1xs6BPGr2qRe2kV2SsN&file=output_eJo6Iy.gif Edit: Fixed gif
  23. Nice to see you still around Micket No rush at all, we still have a lot of your meshes to animate
  24. I'll be adding some trees, I'll search for the thread that has a biome roadmap with several trees that needed to be included in the game and make some. Here's the list of trees needed in the game, under "gaia" section: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17730 This isn't a bad idea... basically making all trees to share the same skeleton with two simple bones, one for the trunk that will remain attached to the ground and the "top" bone that would be falling to the ground. They can share the same animation too. However, I'm not sure if it would be compatible with the "windy" material that the trees have as the wind effect. (and obviously, all trees should be fixed to this chopping animation) Not sure how easy would be to select a chopped tree in the ground to task units to collect wood though.
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