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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Okay, I've done a bit of sleuthing on this. I take the above back, the bug also applies to UnitAI kills. The offending call seems to be on selection.js:318. Apparently, what happens is that when a unit in the selection is promoted (as a consequence of killing its target), the selection gets rebuilt and the side-effect of this is that the selection sound is played.

    The easy fix is to add a flag to the rebuildSelection() function to indicate whether the sound should be suppressed: https://github.com/z...ad/compare/1713

    that is i like from this guy, go ahead Zoot.
  2. I'd normally agree with you, oshron, but i've already thought of this and i'm counting with the possibility of the player abusing of these detectors. For heroes, it's ok, they are unique. But champion units are less common early, and then the player could just have 10 of them patrolling the base streets to prevent any spies and have a control group set on them to fastly get them to counter any massive attack as needed. About Outposts i'd agree, also, but still the player can intentionally build outposts next to base entrances so that any spies are killed on spot. For fortresses, it's the same, though i bet the team will make restrictions for how close to other fortresses/civ centres one can build a fortress.

    In Starcraft 2, for example, the Protoss race has only 2 kinds of detectors: The Photon Cannons (their guard towers) and the Observers (an invisible flying unit meant only to spy). Spamming any of these is a dumb thing to do because you'll be wasting resources your opponent will not, and yet, not having any is as dumb as spamming, cause your opponent could take advantage of that and get invisible units to destroy your whole resource production and then your army (yes, SC2's emphasis is on controlling resource spots). But this system can't be applied to 0 A.D. for 3 reasons:

    1 - Buildings are harder, and thus slower, to destroy, making the tactic of "destroy the detector for the spy to come in" a bit of a fail, it would only drive the enemy's attention to that spot(while in SC2, when the enemy sees it, the spy is already in and will hardly be spotted).

    2 - Resources aren't as precious here as they are in SC2, where even buildings have an optimized order of construction to save time/resources, thus it wouldn't matter much if you spam outposts to detect spies.

    3 - In SC2, information is the key to winning, you must always send spies to scout and see what you'll need to build/train next. The longer your enemy stays hidden, the greater his chances of winning. This is not true, at least not yet, for 0 A.D., where the size of the army and the positioning of the fight are more important to win.

    • Sabotage in a building like a ancient Black ops Mission ,
    • Steal intelligence(Technologies) for your faction.

  3. what about being able to research additions and upgrades to existing structures in the later phases? Maybe upgrading a house would raise it's health and population bonus, as well as look more upper class. This way we can have more realistic looking poor and rich districts and add to the city building capabilities of the game. I'm all for making temples and civ centers look grander.

    you are very good create buildings, may be you can propose the Civ Center change in Every Phase.
  4. I disagree. Firstly, I don't think this is meant to be a fast paced game like Starcraft or others of that nature. Second, building barracks right outside a base and rushing isn't very realistic for a historic game. When you're waging a war, you're going to march your army into enemy territory. You're not going to be able to start recruiting locals as soldiers right outside of their own city.

    Edit - I see others addressed this before me, but I'll add my two cents :P

    i agree with you, but i like see some Neutral that if you capture or put a Outpost change to your own and make Mercenaries(Cheap Units and Weak)
  5. i'd say make spies invisible (cloaked, hidden, etc.) to all units and buildings except for a select few of each, namely:

    • Heroes: these will be uncommon enough to warrant them being used to spot enemy spies
    • Champion units: (maybe) because they will also be less-common than citizen soldiers and non-combat units
    • Outposts: a standing tower in the wilderness will be suspicious of anything that doesn't look familiar, so they'd likely single out a passing spy
    • Fortresses: forts would be on high-alert and single out anyone approaching them that shouldn't be
    • other spies: naturally, spies would be trained to spot other spies

    good Brainstorming

  6. I Like that type ideas. that Unconvencional Warfare. put new level to naval gameplay for some factions.

    Same Thing can be work with a great ball of Fire (Or Rolling) to destroy a huge group of enemy soldiers.

  7. I try to take Starcraft invisible units as an example, but we must take care to not make our spies so great an advantage as those from SC2, where you only find you are losing when you see the nuclear bombs falling, the cloaked voodoo ships attacking your workers, the zerglings burried beneath your whole marine army or the dark templars destroying wherever you don't have detectors...

    i figure like heroes, pop limit max 5 maybe.
  8. This is an indicator of project's activity and part of its history, "A newcomer is not interested when a certain feature was implemented" - this is probably usually true, but many people may be interested to see an overview, how much the project evolved in e.g. last few months/year.

    yes that why always are guys, suggesting same topics in forum.
  9. I would appeal to as wide an audience as possible.

    The game isn't very graphic at the moment and I have no problem with my 11 year old brother playing it. Bare breasts might change that, on the other hand the people are pretty tiny and the bikini bra isn't much better. I'd still err on the side of conservative and keep it.

    The swastika is historically accurate and probably won't turn many/any players away. If it's legal, I'd say keep it.

    some theses countries can answer a lawyer friend.
  10. To be honest, it's not the law that I am most concerned about, it's things like download sites and magazines (as Jeru said, distribution venues). They will readily exclude a game just on the suspicion that there could be a conflict, if not with the law, then with public opinion (read: branding).

    One of the Wolfenstein games was pulled, not by the authorities, but by the publisher, because a tiny inconspicious swastika slipped through: http://kotaku.com/53...-german-shelves

    that i agree with that we must be ask
  11. I'm perfectly okay with a toggle or even a Germany-only version that removes the "offending" textures (as long as this doesn't cause multiplayer incompatibilities).

    However, there is a distinction between the Nazi swastika as commonly portrayed, and the Hindu swastika we use in the game. I thought we talked about this before and concluded that Hindu cultural symbols (i.e. swastikas) are indeed not banned by German law. Is there not a court precedence in Germany that sheds light on the issue?

    And here's another thought: What if we were developing a World War 2 RTS? Would we be "insensitive" if we included Nazi symbolism in such a game? If you can be honest with yourself and say, "We would obviously have to use Nazi symbolism in such a game, whether some people like it or not," then you should be honest with yourself and come to the conclusion that we should use Hindu symbolism in 0 A.D., whether some people like it or not.


    for me this not same.

    that is only for you guys see why are not same. eve if put in same context

  12. i Only a make Critic about laws in these. and Bruno yes is Imperialist.


    i was Make many Versions, that why i make many shields.

    but for me its Indian not Nazi.

    Put 0.AD Swastika banned Version for these countries. same with girls.

    and the people even ofenden with this.




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