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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/02/06/face-off-is-the-rts-genre-dying/ Are dying this genre? http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/02/01/ironclad-on-why-rts-is-dying-moba-needs-to-evolve/
  2. This guy can do it I mean Development report.
  3. Yeso but we can wait to official team, you know all can contribute with main game. We can improve buildings textures. Create animations etc.
  4. Several months ago i was read that notice, they fail to do a good game. Even we know best the franchise than they. And Rome total War II was not great, what can be next AAA RTs to fail? For now we rise slowly
  5. I game that try to do mix AoE with Starcraft Spartan Ancient Wars. But is not was good. Too buggy.
  6. Same concept. The mine can be Advanced Building. phase II or III. Advanced economic. Create. Civic center into Military Colonial Center(fortified) or Economic? With Terran is similar. Attached buildings to research and give bonus. Attached lumberjack. Attached mine. Etc.
  7. In Svn is working after September 13 is hardly work. Congratulations Redfox
  8. yes, that why try to mix Rise of Nations, Age of Empires Saga(even Mythology), and some things little from Warcraft III and Starcraft 2. and Campaing mode like Aok and othe Turn Based like Rome Total War II with best AI and some Civilization and paradox, .
  9. for me is not resources is Tactical, for example in Deep Forest, i can win close because i use Athenian Elite Pikeman/Spearman, because use food and wood. against Iberian Swordmen, the difference Iberians they were depended on limited metal. on a map with high wood and devoid of minerals. they send a lot of Swordman and destroy every single units in my faction. but i never stop to train soldiers, they stop, because the metal. was tactical, i produce a lot of wood and food, and change in market for metal xD. sorry for double post. i lost my mind sometimes.
  10. im know myself are divided with that matter. may be in game modes we can give the user the power to choose, preferible in multiplayer, is like deathmatch but the diferrecing is this resorces are if you can collecting not at starting of each map.
  11. I help you with this. Palsntius are doing some similar to prosal, give a alternaste gameplay talk with him. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17517
  12. That my point Crooker , if the game have a Base of a RTS all basic gameplay must be that template, what is our template? Age of Kings. And upkeep is not fit for Age of Kings. A game that have upkeep.is Spartan Wars. Base of that game are blizzards game. Whst happens when a game don't have a defined base? Ruin the game. Upkeep
  13. Team that my point XD . Thats why im to favor of respawn Minerals
  14. nah, dont fit with game. but i can try to mod, in order to give new gameplay or alternate gameplay
  15. I open this topic for new users and non-members of the forum where or what to look for to help the process of translation, also support the programmers, and the development team. the user that are working in this project is Gallaecio the name of the project is the Internationalization of 0.A.D the ticket is: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/67 Gallaecio's Project is the link: https://github.com/Gallaecio/0ad Why I did this Topic: 60% of my user fans asking for this related topics: put in Spanish http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16370 http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13234&st=0&p=209478&hl=espa%F1ol&fromsearch=1entry209478 Español: Abro este tema para los nuevos usuarios y no miembros del foro dónde o qué buscar para ayudar al proceso de traducción, también el apoyo de los programadores, y el equipo de desarrollo. al usuario de que están trabajando en este proyecto es Gallaecio el nombre del proyecto es la Internacionalization de 0.AD el ticket es: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/67 Proyecto de Gallaecio es el enlace: https://github.com/Gallaecio/0ad ¿Por qué labri el tema? : 60% de mis fans usuario pedir este temas relacionados con: poner en Español el juego http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16370 Francois J'ouvre ce sujet pour les nouveaux utilisateurs et les non-membres du forum où et quoi chercher pour aider le processus de traduction, également en charge les programmeurs, et l'équipe de développement. l'utilisateur qui travaillent dans ce projet est Gallaecio le nom du projet est l'internationalisation de 0.AD le ticket est: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/67 Le projet de Gallaecio le lien: https://github.com/Gallaecio/0ad Pourquoi j'ai fait ce sujet: 60% de mes fans utilisateur demandant ce sujets connexes: mettre en Espagnol http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16370
  16. http://piratepad.eu/Dj9wtFr9Ev these we working with Alpha123, Oimat, and others don't forget that brainstorming please. i want to implement that basic and Generic Tech tree.
  17. what? XD check spearman in mostly of Faction, see skirmishers... mostly of units hare build with food.
  18. even Gauls may be paint like Romans their buildings. but i haven't source of this.
  19. but food with infinite farm is easy. for me of course. i have 4 farms workings, for me the food is not a big deal.
  20. When heroe is garrison the hero button and may be the icon can show he is already garrison. The fortress can be limit in range to build like tower and civic center. The sound of research a technology is too low, if my men are collecting minerals the sounds is practical none, because are too similar. A button to break formation not always I don't want always the units marching in formations , sometimes is ridiculous if they are under attack or if they are in different place and the near unit have to reunites with the rest when that unit are near of mouse point where i want to go. Shortcuts for stances and formations. And skirmish stance or behavior. Fix when build palisades the units only build the turrets and not the walls. Even happens when you build multiple buildings.
  21. Yeah you aren't the first to propose the upkeep. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17425&hl=upkeep&fromsearch=1 May be the upkeep can be integrated to Campaing mode. Not to regular play.
  22. http://www.moddb.com/mods/rote http://forum.sciondevelopment.com
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