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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. If put 0 Ad torrent you can Getafe it, but be careful.
  2. Norvegia, i agree some times is dificult select units.
  3. This one better thing of the game, this map and Diplomacy. Note: see the mini faction around. xD same civ with different emblem.
  4. And why I remember this tech to 0 AD. I,II,III. Like our Colonies phases.
  5. Obviusly we can extract the more common. Example "seed Selection" bonus level 2 to gathering food in farming.
  6. Perfect. I like the idea put the shorcut, visible in all. like Starcraft. I publish this this in my page, all days new users. Even if they clock like. XD but ask. Congratulation team, the ideas are attracting more fans.
  7. Very nice, beautiful, but what is that message, or for what? What is that Z or what means? Or is a random proposition XD. Still fine work.
  8. Thank you thst is one of 4 or 5tech tree. One for Civil, commerce , military culturally. Thanks I'm too busy working in my finals test. I like the names for thst and adapt the icons to Pureons art or something. Thst the best of that game, more clearly than Rome I where the tech and building are the same thing. http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Tech_Tree_Panoramic
  9. Michael in Total War Rome 2 are good ideas for technology because they use town phase for the evolution of a colony civic and military. In military have 3 principals points. Tactics, Siege and equip. I'll put some screenshots to conceptual design see the similitude. With our game, but I don't know if you can put this for current tech or for Campaing mode. The have evolves for example in farming have evolves for wine for grain. Cavalry have a tech named veterinary. Add support to health of Cavalry units. Have many civic technologies that are perfect for civic centre.
  10. I'm interesting in Nordic people Even for my mod.
  11. Vallum ? Hmmm interesting its pronounces Wallum. Latin. Is very interesting , in Spanish is Muro in Latin was Murus.
  12. Michael agree with this? i mean you open a ticket in the trac.
  13. All, but first step by step, the Ai need research tech, exploring to find other player (actually the Ai knows where you are) XD. Be Optimized.
  14. And Bellum if you read is Bellum and Vellum if you read it is Wellum. V in Latin sounds to W. thst why the wololo in AOE Volo . Wine in English and Vino in Spanish and other Latin languages.
  15. And you do the other people, animators, 2d designers 3d designers etc? see the other mods. The guys of Rogue Republic are do it a Moder Warfare mod.
  16. Ai is in development now, and we are in foundraiser Campaing to improve the game.
  17. Is interesting do a graphic for each day, I'm worried that average down in middle or final days of the Campaing, try to distribute, the word in other languages. Update Wikipedia, update blogs, social media, free the press, for example in Spain and Latinamerica Genbeta are a specializated blog for gaming, and several time ago they mentioned this project, but was a single time. They are Indie lovers XD. Other is 3djuegos.com they have a little topic about 0 A.D.
  18. Mauryan is a faction that needs a tons of gold to be effective, all best units can train with gold. But the Elephant Worker is the best XD. And if you use Mauryan Archer against Gauls they have Sword Cavalry. And if you uses elephant they have a lot of spearman and skirmisher.
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