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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. was great searching.I think the three images are how throwing a Plumbatae
  2. Ok I try find some like last.
  3. I like the roof, it's consistently with my country and Central America style of primitive roof.
  4. ok we need search a good example.
  5. Mimo the four player match in the last screenshot was yesterday so don't worry, may be don't was Petra , may be.
  6. I'm not sure, becuse I play to times and I don't remember if in second time what Ai I was select it. I try to play again. The females are very good with tasks, but when I rush the at last time( the Ai practically lose the game because don't try to counter again or attack again, only perform a single attack ( massive and laggy one) That I ask for the feature that let match setup remember the preferences for each matching.
  7. 2. There are some cases where the ai sets it's soldiers to passive, or standground, because it can't handle strange cases. So it can happen they won't attack a ram. is very disconcert ant you can thing the Ai can send a message to say when are in passive mode? For developer curiosity?
  8. stanislas69 you remember that we do it in the crosses, export that map I I'll try to give good textures
  9. Ask to Stan to export textures I'll make for your buildings.
  10. Quintus Sertorius. unit may be. and Celtiberian Mercenaries/Allies http://imgur.com/htOcA8J
  11. WARNING: JavaScript warning: simulation/helpers/Commands.js line 223 reference to undefined property cmd.metadata WARNING: JavaScript warning: simulation/components/GuiInterface.js line 993 reference to undefined property cmd.queued WARNING: JavaScript warning: gui/session/messages.js line 385 reference to undefined property msg.guid WARNING: JavaScript warning: simulation/ai/aegis/base-manager.js line 121 reference to undefined property HQ.basesMap.map[((x + xi) + ((y + yi) * width))] Engine exited successfully on 2014-04-25 at 21:19:26 with 2540 message(s), 0 error(s) and 4 warning(s). and see this one. they don attack my rams, why? and for Translation team I see this one with Spanish from Chile.
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