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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I reverted the changes, but was hard, and I was patient to Get back the changes
  2. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ They Add a link to other web sites http://trac.wildfiregames.com/timeline
  3. Minifaction system: tribes in maps actor that are neutral with buildings and a mini village. [large scale and maps] Mercenary camp system: uses minifaction and eyecandy units to get boost to maps. To maps like scenario skirmish. Rebellion system : the decline a empire to converts in to minifaction controlled by the player. Like nation looking freedom. Creeper system: treasure guardians. Reinforcement system: not thinking at all.
  4. When need ask a tutorial to perform real environments with atlas, like Michael. Some like quick tips. All my maps are good for gaming but not visual or realistic.
  5. That more clear. I try to do this the Friday or later. I'm too busy this week.
  6. I'll try to show how I was make it, like a psychologist the designer try to work with black abstract figures to create symbols. I try with the table but mixing with the wrecker, the zc is no clear because is not good make more complex the image.
  7. If you see is a M overlapped to C. In the beginning I considerate use the table and the wrench. And I trying many shapes and combinations finally I got this. Can be a helmet if you use the imagination. XD I need choose the color.
  8. Ok my fault is the step 5 , how can I run?
  9. I like, we have a map like the lake with a Island in middle and a forest around. For the name is Germanic. Is possibly add randomly position for treasures?
  10. Logo v4, I will show the other early soon.
  11. I try to remember... Lontime with out use sourceforge or Github, Idanwin is the manager of that... He is main programmer I'm only the "seller".
  12. Exactly that is I don't understand. Can be more easily have a video or images. Obviusly I'm not programmer I'm not deal with technical lenguage.
  13. The Ai have lot of bugs but is better than last versions. But aegis is not superior to Aegis from A15. Need improve the system between attack, defend , survive, planning , re-planning and attack to weaken the human player or try to stop in. Even I seen try to counter when is defending, or try to garrison units in structures. Other big issue is if I destroy their settlements ( other bases, they easily lost the match. I defending poorly his new settlements, even try to manage with towers. And quickly they lost all military units after try a assault and when I perform a counterattack is not military units anymore.
  14. Ok will be that: recruiting... Time to bring more people our crusade. XD. And collect tutorial in order impved our knowledge and try to add to wiki through our dev team.
  15. Yeah we need the players temptation. Medium player -"Instantly units? I really want them"
  16. And a lot lines of troll code XD ( always i with say that) .----that was a joke----Yeah but this can be alternative, the users can ignore them if they can play with them is like collect treasures System. May be the best treasures need creepers
  17. Se need recruit top artist 3D, a programmer, a animator. I can try with 2d matters. Especially textures.
  18. Ok. Adventages of control a MC. Acces to cheap units. Access to Elite Units in early stage. Access a class forbidden for your civ/faction You don't need train units, they are ready for action. Disadvantages -elite can be much expensive. - elite have much room in this extra population limit. - needs regenerated the used units especially Elite.
  19. Guy I need complete the list. Only I put the class unit but not specific unit Mythos give some suggestions using existent units. But I'm not memorized each unit in game. Other can be good is open a wiki info. Like civ factional desing. I try to fill empty classes. With specifict unit or name. @Mega mania you can help me with cavalry. Especially eastern.
  20. The Ai improves his survivor tactics but for some reason after his 3third attack all units do nothing except few females builder. Sometimes UnitAi don't do anything even be closing or near from an enemy buildings. Other bugs is when you select a bunch of units and accidentally a siege tower and try the units garrison inside the siege tower.
  21. hmm it's practical but if I haven't one and I reached pop limit?.In rome 2 they divide artillery siege in two types fixed(static) and mobile. The fixed can be like towers and mobile like unit.
  22. Ok. -Attack. Move are already as command but don't have a GUI equivalent, in critic situations like a rush is important. -The idle button haven't sound -we need a follow command is different to guarding or protecting because I command a escort order a priest but the priest only heal the only that are focus. Next to do: Minimaps button. Call to the arms( all idle military are selected) in AOE3 this command is a bless. I know we have a very nice system to select idle units one by one with shift.
  23. I'm thinking that and ballista/bolt shooter tower .Like Age of empires 2. You can buld two types arrow type and cannon type, here we can replace cannon instead a ballista and this same with ships.
  24. hehehe, me too.May be can be a plus an extra. They are limited already ( are expensive XD and weaker)
  25. Ok here are other Starcraft idea: Why don't get bulding addons to increases the efficiency of dropsites. Mint can be metal addon of Wharehouse A addon is building attached to other and it's only building if the first is already and is only avaible from the panel of selected bulding. One per building. That do the Terran in SC to acces to advanced or specifict upgrades.
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