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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Im working in a conceptual altenative and a General Cataphract Helmet.
  2. @LordGood we are synchronized in mind. I will create a reference for stanilas about Seleucid mask with colors.
  3. I will made a logo later but , making a proper brief with Justus.
  4. Delenda Est will have better variation than vanilla. nice job stanilas
  5. Yes, but why not using inverse way? is a symmetrical symbol.
  6. https://www.wildfiregames.com/irc.html
  7. Can be work in temples and civic center, may be this was implemented in RoN.
  8. he always in same way. @gameboy we talk this before, if you cant implement something bring people to the projecto to help us.
  9. como dijo Fexor actualmente es el usuario quien hace el host, mp´´as adelante veremos como arreglar estos problemas y ver que soluciones justas podemos crear.
  10. The shadows , and volume of figure central, I can try again.
  11. the eagle is copyrighted and i lost the original
  12. but that is very hard, from dark to white.
  13. Some time ago I create the first emblem but have copyright the image so... this time I improve all my versiones. First I will start with the eagle.
  14. No, the original have lower resolution, so we have those ugly scenarios, or its pixelated , or is blurry.
  15. ok, I willl test, with the new Emblem.
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