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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Si puedes hacer esta arma sería interesante, ya que si bien no está considerada, no es mala opción. Gastraphetes. Hasta algo como un garrote es muy útil. Grúas hay pocas. Y no me consta de su realismo. Esto es otra cosa básica que no tenemos, unas buenas dianas para práctica de arqueros.
  2. No digo que no se incluya o algunos usuarios no lo guardemos. Podría usarse para un escenario perfectamente. que tal cosas más rutinarias de un ambiente rural. Un molino romano, cosas como esas, que sean edificios de una civilización , buscamos darle variedad a los mapas. O una choza Escita. que tan bien se te dan los minerales? No tenemos variedad de metales.
  3. Me gusta, pero no está planeado agregar unidades o edificios a las facciones por ahora. Especialmente estas.
  4. I see Mayorcete playing this you can cooperate if you have a plan and team co-work is important , indeed have that mechanic but if play like a " I can take' en all" like Leonidas in 300 movie you can be defeated, I see Chinese faction in the sieges and is funny the real thing beyond use trap and defense but you can be careful with friendly fire. I like the concept of the map working with multiplayer is similar to Battlefield.
  5. Now I remember when ai are capturing my houses they destroy later, that is unrealistic, they should destroyed after a time. is more easy capture a house then destroy it by attack.
  6. Yes was very unpractical, when I started to use them, my army was stomping enemy base. You need infiltrate to do that. cavalry or nearby outpost.( both will be destroyed/captured)
  7. The women and other supports units must do the same. Be a spy.
  8. I can understand italiano.
  9. I was testing... I dont have problem with resources but can better have more distance from CC. The game have a huge LoS. Im not sure if this are a factor that influence in units ai out of control even in formation the units tends to do that and the stances don't do the work. In other topic we are talking about the military units in early. specially in CC. are only tiny changes. but can be make the game more hard in early. @sphyrth Indeed I asked that in my FB 0 AD fan Page is Spanish, mostly of them suggest tiny details like use Bridges or more bigger maps, Infinite resources at option. I dont see nobody unhappy with this, where i see the critical reviews was in Youtube. but this around months. the gameplay need polish. and we need wait for the other planned features http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameplayFeatureStatus.
  10. Hermoso. Awesome. I share with the guys in FB fan page.
  11. Lo que le quede mejor al juego, te doy varias opciones, en ese topic de eyecandy stuff( cosas para embellecer) tambien podes sugerir alguna. Tiene que ser si o si de la época.
  12. my feeling if we are changing the gameplay is change the early I commented this when Wraitii suggest changing the meta. in 0 A.D the players aren't defenseless (Early phase ) because the initial units. and the units available to train in the CC.
  13. Algo sencillo: trnemos 2 tareas fáciles crar los objetos propuestos aquí , los elementos eyecandy ( decorados y objetos de mapa) La otra es dar más diversidad geológica a nuestros recursos minerales. Una cantera https://www.turbosquid.com/HDView/Index.cfm/ID/676093/r/3/i/22 en lo de los eyecandy todo ese post tiene imágenes visuales de lo que buscamos.
  14. Para contribuir no, aquí podemos servirte de intérprete. sube lo que consideres es útil para nosotros.
  15. Sube bastante de tu trabajo aquí mismo, el jefe de departamento habla español. sube imágenes de tu portafolios, y si tenes deviant art u otro sitio similar adjuntarlo. para ser voluntario solo debes iniciar. Para ser miembro del equipo ya es necesario otros requisitos. @Enrique
  16. nope, if isnt implement you never stop (if is a good idea of course.)
  17. if you ask me, about department of Art, the next factions should be unique in: Architecture Equipement clothes example Thracians we haven't that style that mixing Celtic with Greek. other can be Numudians or Scythians.
  18. @shieldwolf23 the problem here isn't that. I accept it I was flammer with this guy. ( isn't the first time probably that's why) I haven't loyalty to the game, only the people and my own interesting of course.
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