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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/plans-for-2v2-ranked/197674 https://www.rankedftw.com/stats/leagues/random-4v4/#v=2&r=-2&sx=a https://thunderpick.io/blog/starcraft-2-ranking-system Maybe this will help.
  2. https://www.ageofempires.com/stats/ageiide/ It would be nice to have a leaderboard that is hosted on a website.
  3. You are exaggerating and overestimating what he said, no one talked about mental or professional help, it is normal that at your age you are immature. The new generations including mine are still to some extent children. That is due to the great infantilization of society.
  4. Hahaha yeah I can imagine. If we give them an eternal table? I mean a historical table? With the all-time leader and stuff like in football/soccer.
  5. It would be nice to have seasons just like E-sports and sports like Football (soccer).
  6. @WhiteTreePaladin It seems to me(I am not sure) that he once suggested that to get rid of the village women they should sell them to the market as slaves.
  7. Sometimes people get obsessed with numbers on a screen, be it likes, followers, ratings, etc.
  8. I take this opportunity to greet him. He is the only old, original member that I know and have seen, you must know them all (or part of the original staff). I am thrilled to see how someone's project has prospered over time. Even on YouTube I still find old members talking about how they joined the old forum, when there was more than 0AD on WFG. I think it was called Last Alliance, the sister project of 0 AD.
  9. My God that's the reality Yekaterina likes to play in, a world full of colors and boxes?
  10. That's what I say, you should be able to change the nickname and preserve a unique id instead of the identity being the nickname.
  11. I only see the results. My enemy must have changed his diplomatic stance.
  12. I really like this site. https://www.archaeology.org/ Check out this news article. Ancient Buddha Statue Discovered in Egypt CAIRO, EGYPT—According to a Live Science report, a 1,900-year-old statue has been unearthed at Berenike, an ancient port city located in Egypt near the Red Sea. The statue depicts Siddhartha Gautama, who lived some 2,550 years ago in South Asia, and eventually became known as the Buddha, or “Enlightened One.” Steven Sidebotham of the University of Delaware said that the statue is about 28 inches tall, and shows the Buddha standing and holding parts of his robes in his left hand, while a halo behind him radiates sunlight. A separate Sanskrit inscription thought to date to the third century A.D. was also found at the site. The Buddha statue may have been made locally by South Asians living in Berenike, Sidebotham added, and could indicate that a South Asian merchant community lived in the area. To read about an animal necropolis uncovered at Berenike, go to "Around the World: Egypt." https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/ancient-egyptians/1st-century-buddha-statue-from-ancient-egypt-indicates-buddhists-lived-there-in-roman-times
  13. Game's / movie's Original Soundtrack Then Rock Then Electronic music Music without genre( many genres in one).
  14. I pretend that they go out to explore the world and go to the enemy's base to gather intelligence. Then they die.
  15. Yekaterina should be forbidden to approach a camel and denied to carry a bow. She is a threat to the villagers.
  16. For me the weapon is a tool by which you can do damage, no matter what. You can use a belt as a weapon. A helmet or a stone can be used to strike.
  17. It is useful for yakaterina with her antics to see our vulnerabilities.
  18. In theory, if there is one, I have 2 more. They have been inactive for years.
  19. Giant Yekaterina. Sounds a big boss enemy for a action game.
  20. It is not that easy, especially it can generate bugs but at some point the team will have to deal with including it.
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