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Posts posted by Stan`

  1. I agree with the principe but how would you do that with the current state of things. Should we merge everymod and make sure they are compatible ? Also I was thinking that gameplay modification such as convert should always be separated from main mods, to be usable as plugins for any other mod. This way civ would be compatible with each other. And then become what you said earlier, just a bunch of assets. But to unify all this, we need to merge the structure for all mods. we could also do it for the main game and propose the changes.

  2. I think tents would be too 'mobile' (and not really coherent with the rest of the buildingset). We could however add tents (with house functionality) for scenario designers (scenarios centering the Norse explorations).

    You mean this blacksmith?


    The building is a bit low IMHO.

    Nah, leave the other buildings that are not modeled yet. They're not really fitted to the Viking texture.

    My screenshot... (Which one exactly?)

    Not too small though as they function as a small standalone base (resource dropsite, ranged attack, ability to train units)

    What was that Crannog again?

    This or any of those





    My screenshot... (Which one exactly?)


    Not too small though as they function as a small standalone base (resource dropsite, ranged attack, ability to train units)

    What about those from the movie you showed ? I couldn't find the name though

  3. The "new" longhouse is for the carolingians :)

    Also I noticed in one of your screenshots you used the viking struct for all celts buildings, want me to do that ?

    What about the tents ?

    The blacksmith ?

    Using the smaller house from your screenshot ?

  4. What movie is this ?

    The civic center have a size 4x4 we need calculation how space we have to put the props. If you are a Viking what kind stuff put in a palace yard.


    I found this one a settlement scheme.


    And this building.



    Can't we use any of those buildings ?

  5. There should be a chance of failure though. A certain % of the time, that the tunnel collapses before arrival at point and kills the people working in it. The further away the higher % of failure perhaps...

    Mmh that need to be discussed. Easier from people on walls to see what's going on if it's just below there wall than when it started far away. It could cost money though, farthest the more expensive.

  6. I'll start the blacksmith stated on post #289. Niektb : How can we make the viking house less problematic to place ? Maybe use tents ? For now IA's have huge problems using them correctly. Also we could use the Crannog as an alternate civ center.

    Do you want me to replace all viking by norse ?

  7. Oh sure :)

    There should be a restriction though ^^

    I was thinking of having an invisible/ shown as one of your soldier with your color unit to do that, and that unit being able to garrison in the building of the attacker' choice. That'd be the start for special units. (You could afterwards extend it to be a thief etc it could go through doors etc)

  8. Then If possible we should have crumbling wall meshes, just like wall with grates (that would be more receptive to this tech ie : LOTR) with the same passability as gates, so when the wall is sabotaged units are able to pass, but not as much as a full broken wall.

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