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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-04-16 in Posts

  1. Shader effects 0 vs shader effects 10. It's not really a beauty. 842 model tris in atlas, 421 in blender, hope that is not too many @Genava55 @Ultimate Aurelian Should I make a stone baba and steles from the deer stones culture or would that be ahistorical?
    3 points
  2. next one, left side view
    1 point
  3. It's true, it is open source and I am not a dev. So it is easy for me to complain about the poor performance in team games, even though I myself cannot put in the work to fix it. Nevertheless, I have been asking myself recently: should I really be playing a game this laggy in 2024? Time out of one's day is lost in games where actual time is significantly longer (2x, for example) than game time. WAY more than the unit rebalances or new units, I look forward to performance improvements like Vulcan. I also heard a27 will bring a way for the host to check if a player is causing lag due too just having a slow computer. So the host can choose not let that player in 4v4 games for example. That is annoying. Probably what you are running into is the fact that a maximum of 200 units can be selected at a time. 2 things can help mitigate this now: Hold alt while dragging the mouse to select military units only. Holding alt + y while dragging the mouse to select will select NON-military units only. Or, Play games with a lower pop limit. A bit of self critique: Some of the performance issues can be mitigated by choosing different options. We DON'T HAVE to play 4v4 200 pop team games. I think 3v3 is pretty interesting, actually. We can play lower pop limit games (albeit this effects the defensive structure vs unit balance). Just because we have the freedom to choose grander options doesn't mean that it's the best choice.
    1 point
  4. I'm on debian sid, so it affect my device. I suddenly checked my xz-utils and liblzma and debian community have already reverted to 5.4.5 For further infos read here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39866307
    1 point
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deer_stones_culture
    1 point
  6. Using Vulcan should drastically increase the performance and reduce the lag. The list is there: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&type=defect&milestone=Backlog&group=type&col=id&col=summary&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&col=component&col=time&order=priority People making balancing changes and small features are not the same people than those working on the engine and on the core of the game.
    1 point
  7. games are not open source and only maintained by volunteers. it's an impossible comparison.
    1 point
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